Have you ever wondered what the process of adopting from the Humane Society of Utah looks like? Well, we’ve got you covered! In just 5 easy steps, you can bring home a new best friend!
Start out with a meet and greet
Has someone special caught your eye? Step one is to set up a meet and greet through one of our adoption counselors. After going over the available information we have about that animal, they’ll set you up with a meet-and-greet area.
Fill out a quick application
Once you’ve decided that you’d like to take Fluffy or Fido home, you’ll be asked to fill out a short (less than one page) form with some basic information such as your address, phone number, and email. This form can be filled out digitally or with a pen and paper.

Have a chat with an adoption counselor
After our adoptions team has received your application, you’ll sit down with a counselor to go over details about the pet and their history, have any of your questions answered, and sign an adoption contract which essentially says you agree to love and take care of the animal you are bringing home with you. Our adoption staff is equipped with a plethora of resources to help you and your pet’s go as smoothly as possible, from how to handle cat-dog introductions to how to deal with resource guarding.

Pay your adoption fee, receive your new pet’s records, and head home!
Following your chat with one of our adoptions counselors, all that’s left is to pay your pet’s adoption fee, receive any medical records we have on hand (i.e., vaccinations, medications), and a supply of medications to get you through the next few days (if applicable), and get ready to head home! You will be required to take your new pet home either in a pet carrier or on a harness and leash, but if you didn’t bring your own, we have some available for purchase in our onsite store. We are also proud to offer a free exam through our partnered vets in the area, which we encourage all adopters to take advantage of.
After Your Adoption…
Our adoption team will reach out to you via email after one week and after three weeks to check in and make sure all is going well. This offers an opportunity to ask any questions that have come up, request more resources, or send us some cute photos showcasing what your new pet has been up to!

So, there you have it! Congratulations on your new furry family member, and thank you so much for choosing adoption first.