The Humane Society Of Utah hosted our first-ever Members-only reception, welcoming an inaugural group of members to this new annual event. Our members gathered in the auditorium to meet with HSU Directors, enjoy a spread of donated local hors d’oeuvres and drinks, and learn more about the programs supported by their generous donations. Our staff saw instantly that we were surrounded by passionate supporters with various backgrounds and experiences but a shared love for animals.
The evening included a clinic tour hosted by our Medical Director, Dr. Timna Fischbein. Members looked inside the clinic, where over 140,000 vaccines and over 10,500 spay/neuter surgeries are administered annually, providing a low-cost option for pet guardians in the community. HSU Member Riley Alexander expressed the importance of these services, saying, “Animals are a vital part of many families, some with means and some without. But those without means do not love their animals any less. Having an organization that helps those with fewer means keep their beloved animals is a wonderful pursuit.”

HSU Members were also treated to a tour of the Education Department and even interacted with some of our favorite coworkers: the education animals! Attendees met Snoop Hoggy Hog the hedgehog, Sasha the rabbit, Milton and Nellie the Ferrets, and Matilda and Carolina the rats, to name a few. Our education program offers a look at some of the more unique animals that we see come through HSU. When asked what he learned during the reception, Member David Swift responded: “I learned that chinchillas bathe in volcanic dust. It was the cutest thing to see one roll and flip around in the dust.” Haley Kroepfl, the HSU Education Manager, shared her expertise about our education program and the importance of teaching our animal welfare values to the next generation. HSU Member David Swift puts it perfectly: “Education is the key to getting animals treated better.”
The member reception was an excellent opportunity to make in-person connections with the donors who do so much to support our programs and operations. Donors like you are vital to HSU; our funding comes almost exclusively from community grants, sponsorships, and individual donors. The excellent care and resources we can provide for animals in need would not be possible without the caring individuals who choose to support us.