What’s in a name? Pet Resource Center

Pet resource center in murray
Front entrance view to the Pet Resource Center at the Humane Society of Utah.

You may have (or may not) have noticed that we no longer refer to ourselves as an “animal shelter” in our recent communications and are now calling ourselves a “Pet Resource Center.” In this three-part blog series, we’ll explain why.

In the last few years, the “Pet Resource Center” model has become widely adopted by animal welfare leaders across the country to improve upon the traditional animal sheltering approach. The term resource center comes from human welfare services and describes the way they provide a safety net beyond sheltering to those experiencing homelessness or in danger of becoming homeless. This radical new shift allows for organizations like ours to focus additional efforts on supporting pet guardians in various ways, so we can, in turn, help the companion animals in our communities. 

By adopting this model at the Humane Society of Utah, we can increase our capacity to care and support struggling pet guardians to help “keep pets and people together,” as our mission states. For example, we understand that the previous two years have been challenging for many. Our community members have been affected by housing insecurities, cost of living increases, supply chain, and veterinary shortages. These challenges have made owning a beloved companion animal more difficult. In response, we’ve worked hard to support guardians affected by the pandemic through the various programs we offer at our Pet Resource Center:

Community Clinic

By providing affordable spay/neuter and vaccines services through our two Preventative Care Clinics located in St. George and Murray, our organization was able to help over 144,000 community-owned pets stay healthy in 2021. Our clinics stayed open year-round to provide 12,643 spay/neuter surgeries to help prevent the pet overpopulation problem and administered 143,904 vaccines to help stop the spread of deadly viruses.

Pet Retention Program

Our Pet Retention program aims to keep pets and owners together, when possible, by providing resources to help owners who are experiencing difficulty but wish to keep their companion animals. By supporting our community members this way, we’re also helping keep pets out of the sheltering system. In 2021, our Pet Retention program served 487 medical cases for community-owned pets. In addition, we sponsored the first free vaccination and microchip clinic in Tooele County, providing 171 cats and dogs with free preventative care.

Community Partnerships

Our Pet Resource Center also connects community members with resources to help them keep their beloved pets through partnerships with organizations like Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering. We are currently working with organizations such as The Road Home and the YWCA to provide resources, such as vaccines and general pet care supplies. Developing partnerships is one of the key ways we ensure both people and their pets get what they need and stay together.

Join us for the second part of this blog series next month as we discuss the importance of education. And the educational resources our Pet Resource Center provides through our Behavior and Humane Education departments.

RHDV-2 & Leptospirosis Vaccines Available

RHDV-2 Vaccine for Rabbits & Leptospirosis Vaccine for Dogs Available

Our affordable pet clinics in Murray, Utah and St. George, Utah are offering Leptospirosis vaccines to the public. Our Murray clinic is also offering RHDV-2 Vaccines to pet rabbits.

Dog kissing a lady

Leptospirosis has been associated with water sports in contaminated lakes and rivers, especially in tropical or temperate climates, so it can be a hazard for those who travel and do a lot of outdoor activities with their dogs.


Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with Leptospira bacteria. Dogs can become infected and develop leptospirosis if they come into contact with infected urine, urine-contaminated soil, water, food or bedding; through a bite from an infected animal; by eating infected tissues or carcasses; and rarely, through breeding. It can also be passed through the placenta from the mother dog to the puppies. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be spread from animals to people. Infection in people can cause flu-like symptoms and can cause liver or kidney disease. Leptospirosis is more common in areas with warm climates and high annual rainfall but it can occur anywhere.

  • The vaccination requires a booster 3-4 weeks later. After the booster is given, the vaccination is effective for one year.
  • Customers do not need to schedule an appointment for vaccinations at our Murray Clinic. Appointments are recommended at our St. George clinic to make sure you have a short wait, but they accept walk-ins.
  • Dogs must be at least 8 weeks old to receive the vaccination.

The Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Vaccine is now available at our Murray, Utah clinic by appointment


RHDV-2 in domestic rabbits has recently been documented in Salt Lake and Washington County.


Rabbit hemorrhagic disease is a highly contagious, fatal disease in rabbits and is currently classified as a reportable, foreign animal disease in the United States. It has been spreading to multiple states across the Southwest since 2020. The vaccine should be fully protective 14 days after the second vaccine booster, which should be given 3 weeks after the first dose.

  • It requires an appointment in the Murray clinic. Customers can call 801-261-2919 ext 230 to schedule and need to make sure to mention upfront that they are scheduling for a rabbit (since we don’t take appointments for other pet vaccinations). Appointments will allow us to provide a lower-stress environment for rabbits.
  • Rabbits must be at least 8 weeks old to receive the vaccination.
  • The vaccination costs $40 and the USDA requires that the bunny is microchipped to receive the vaccine. We can provide the microchip implant for an additional $35. Your rabbit will need a booster (or second dose) three weeks later, which costs an additional $40.

If you have any questions about the preventative health services provided by our Affordable Clinics in Murray or St. George, please visit Clinic Locations to learn more.

What can happen when using E-collars, prong collars, choke chains on your dog?

With so many training options available, it can be hard to figure out which is the best method for you and your pet. The animal training industry remains unregulated, leading to various opinions about what methods are the “right” methods. Evidence supports the use of reward-based methods for all canine training, along with the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior.

Here’s why:

Scientific evidence in support of positive reinforcement-based training has been overwhelming. Studies show that positive reinforcement leads to improved welfare of companion animals, has a positive influence on the human-animal bond, and effectively achieves training goals.

  • The use of aversive-based methods and equipment, including e-collars, prong collars, choke chains, and other tools, can result in fallout, including:
    • Aggression (directed towards the handler or others)
    • Escape/avoidance behavior
    • Learned Helplessness (apathy)
    • Generalization of fear to other elements in the environment (including the handler)
  • The science of behavior across species is well-established and has been studied for decades through fields such as applied behavior analysis and animal welfare science. This field overwhelmingly proves that positive reinforcement is the most humane and effective method to teach and to modify behavior
  • Using punishment becomes habitual and easily escalates. This is not the relationship we want to promote for pet guardians in our community

In alignment with our mission to “eliminate pain, fear, and suffering in all animals,” the Humane Society of Utah chooses to use evidence-based force-free training. We want to grow the human-animal bond by increasing understanding between humans and their pets, establishing clear communication, and putting the welfare of both human and animal first.

What Breed of Dog is That?

two pictures of the same brindle mixed breed one year apart.

“What breed of dog is that?” This is one of the most common questions we hear at the Humane Society of Utah. What breed would you guess for this Utah Humane Society alum, Rosco? Rosco came to our shelter two years ago with his littermates. His family recently sent her DNA results to us, which we have shared below. 

Even the most experienced dog lovers don’t know a dog’s mixed-lineage or exact breed without a DNA test. One study found that 90 percent of a dog’s breed that was guessed by shelter staff didn’t match the predominant breed identified through DNA analysis. Another study revealed that experts seldom agree on their breed guesses, so one person’s Mastiff mix is another’s Boxer mix or Lab-hound mix.

As a result, you’ll now find most “mixed-breed” dogs on our website are labeled as small, medium, or large mixed-breed. Since most dogs who come to our shelter don’t have pedigree papers, most people may try to label them by the breeds they most closely resemble, leading adopters to make assumptions about their personalities and future behavior based on these breed guesses.

The truth is, there is a wide range of behavior, even in purebred dogs. For example, a purebred field Golden Retriever will behave differently than a purebred show or pet Golden Retriever. Now, mix three or four breeds into one dog and it’s anybody’s guess as to which personality and behavior traits will shine through. Each dog has a genetic predisposition and unique learning history that shapes its personality. This is why we encourage people to meet each dog they are interested in adopting in person instead of making assumptions based on a breed label. Treat the dog in front of you as an individual, and get to know each dog’s unique personality to see if he or she is the right fit for you!

What is Gastric Dilation-Volvulus?

Gastric Dilatation (GD) or “Bloat”

Is a condition in dogs where the stomach becomes dilated and distended due to the accumulation of gas or fluid. The abdomen is generally distended and uncomfortable, but the condition is easily treated by emptying the stomach. This is a much less serious condition than the main topic here, Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV), in which the stomach fills with gas or fluid then flips on itself, trapping the gas and/or fluid inside. 

GDV happens most commonly in large and giant breed dogs especially Great Danes, Weimaraners, and German Shepherds. Deep-chested and underweight dogs are also at risk. Symptoms include a distended abdomen, abdominal pain, restlessness, excessive drooling, and most classically, unsuccessful attempts to vomit or belch. As the condition progresses, the pressure in the stomach continues to build, causing weakness, shortness of breath, and eventually shock (pale gums, low body temperature, collapse).  

The only treatment once the stomach has flipped is to surgically “unflip” the stomach and then suture it to the body wall to prevent future flipping (a procedure called Gastropexy).

As horrible and frightening as GDV can be, there are several things that dog owners can do to reduce the risk of this happening to their dog:

  • If you get a high-risk breed as a puppy, have your veterinarian perform a gastropexy at the time of spay/neuter.
  • Use a slow-feeder bowl to slow down your dogs’ eating so that they swallow less air (especially if your dog tends to inhale their food).
  • While some recommend using a raised food bowl to give the dog better access to food, it is best to feed on the floor in order to reduce swallowed air. 
  • Do not allow exercise for 30 minutes before or after a meal.
  • If you suspect your dog has bloat take them into your veterinarian right away!

Why spay or neuter your pet?

Tragically, 6-8 million homeless dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens, enter animal shelters in the United States each year. Responsible pet owners can fix this problem by spaying or neutering their companion animals. Sterilizing your dog or cat helps curb the pet overpopulation crisis, protects against serious health problems, reduces unwanted behaviors associated with mating instinct, and can increase the lifespan of your beloved companion. Spaying/neutering your pet is also cost-effective. The price of your pet’s spay/neuter surgery is far less than the cost of caring for a litter or medical problem later. 

The following medical and behavioral benefits are associated with spaying your female pet or neutering your male pet.

  • Your spayed female pet will live a longer, healthier life. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, malignant or cancerous in about 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.
  • Spaying a female companion generally reduces the unwanted behaviors that may lead to owner frustration. While cycles can vary, female cats usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. To advertise for mates, they’ll yowl and urinate more frequently. Although urine-marking is usually associated with male dogs, females may do it too.
  • Neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems.
  • Your neutered pet will be less likely to roam away from home. An intact male will find creative ways to escape from the house. Once he’s free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other male animals.
  • Your neutered companion may be better behaved. Your dog might be less likely to bark excessively or mount other dogs, people, and inanimate objects after he’s neutered. Some aggression problems may be avoided by early neutering. 
  • Unneutered dogs and cats are more likely to mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house. Neutering solves 90% of all marking issues. 

As horrible and frightening as GDV can be, there are several things that dog owners can do to reduce the risk of this happening to their dog:

  • If you get a high-risk breed as a puppy, have your veterinarian perform a gastropexy at the time of spay/neuter.
  • Use a slow-feeder bowl to slow down your dogs’ eating so that they swallow less air (especially if your dog tends to inhale their food).
  • While some recommend using a raised food bowl to give the dog better access to food, it is best to feed on the floor in order to reduce swallowed air. 
  • Do not allow exercise for 30 minutes before or after a meal.
  • If you suspect your dog has bloat take them into your veterinarian right away!

Debunking spay/neuter myths and misconceptions

Will my pet become overweight or change their behavior if I spay/neuter them? No. Lack of exercise and overfeeding will cause your pet to gain weight—not neutering. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor his food intake. While having your pets spayed/neutered can help curb undesirable behaviors, it will not change their fundamental personalities. The procedure does not affect a pet’s intelligence or ability to learn, play, work, or hunt. The effects of neutering are largely dependent on your dog’s personality, physiology, and history. 

Will my female pet be healthier if I allow her to have one litter or go through one heat cycle?No. The opposite is true. If spayed before their first heat cycle, the risk of mammary cancer in female dogs and cats is virtually eliminated. If allowed to go through even just one heat cycle, the risk of developing mammary cancer later in life greatly increases. 

Don’t I have until at least 8 or 9 months of age before my female pet comes into heat? No. While 8 to 9 months is typical for large-breed dogs, the fact is that cats and small-breed dogs often come into heat as early as five months of age. Cats can get pregnant and go into heat as early as 4 months of age. 

Won’t my male pet be healthier if I allow him to “mature” before neutering him? No. There are no health benefits in allowing a male dog to reach sexual maturity before neutering. And waiting can result in undesirable behaviors that may be irreversible. Sexually mature male dogs and cats typically urine mark their territory. Once this behavior becomes routine for the animal, it can be challenging to reverse. The same is true of aggressive behaviors in sexually mature males. It is better to prevent these behaviors from developing by neutering your dog or cat at a young age. 

When should I spay or neuter my pet?

Generally, it is safe to spay or neuter most kittens and puppies at eight weeks of age. Check with your veterinarian and have your pet evaluated before scheduling spay or neuter surgery. Contact the Humane Society of Utah Spay/Neuter &  Vaccine Clinic if you have any questions. 

It is recommended to sterilize your pet by four months of age before problems arise. In both cats and dogs, the longer you wait, the greater the risk of the surgery not solving behavioral issues because the animal has practiced the behavior for a longer time, thereby reinforcing the habit.  

For dogs: While the traditional age for neutering is six to nine months for larger dogs, puppies as young as eight weeks old can be neutered as long as they’re healthy. Dogs can be neutered as adults as well, although there’s a slightly higher risk of post-operative complications in older dogs, dogs that are overweight, or dogs that have health problems.  

For cats: In animal shelters, surgery is often performed at eight weeks of age so that kittens can be sterilized before adoption. To avoid the start of urine spraying and eliminate the chance for pregnancy, it’s advisable to schedule the surgery before your cat reaches four months of age. It’s possible to spay a female cat while she’s in heat.

Spaying/Neutering your pet, when they’re young, is recommended for the following reasons.

  • The reproductive organs of juvenile cats and dogs are much less vascular than those of adult animals, which allows for an easier, faster surgical procedure and reduces the risk of excessive bleeding during and after surgery.
  • Faster surgery equates to less time under anesthesia, thus reducing the anesthetic risks.
  • Anesthetic risks are further reduced because juvenile animals metabolize anesthesia more rapidly and recover from its effects more quickly than adult animals.
  • The tissues of juvenile animals are more resilient, resulting in faster healing and less post-operative pain and stress.

What are the risks of spaying and neutering?

While spaying and neutering are major surgical procedures, they are also the most common surgeries on dogs and cats. Like any surgical procedure, sterilization is associated with some anesthetic and surgical risk, but the overall incidence of complications is very low.  

Although reproductive hormones cause mating behaviors that may be undesirable for many pet owners, these hormones also affect your pet’s overall health and can be beneficial. Removing your pet’s ovaries or testes removes these hormones and can result in an increased risk of health problems such as urinary incontinence and some types of cancer.  

The benefits of spaying or neutering your pet outweigh the risks. Talk to your veterinarian about the benefits and risks of the sterilization procedure so you can make an informed decision.

Helping your pet before and after surgery

The Humane Society of Utah Spay/Neuter & Vaccine Clinic will provide pre-surgical advice that you should follow. In general, avoid giving your cat any food after midnight the night before surgery. However, a puppy or kitten needs adequate nutrition, and our veterinarian may advise that food not be withheld. 

We will also provide post-operative instructions for you to follow. Although your pet may experience some discomfort after surgery, our veterinarian can take various measures to control pain. Depending on the procedure performed, pain medication may be sent home with your pet.

Here are tips for a safe and comfortable recovery:

  • Provide your pet with a quiet place to recover indoors and away from other animals.
  • Prevent your pet from running and jumping for up to two weeks following surgery, or as long as our veterinarian recommends.
  • Prevent your pet from licking, chewing, or scratching the incision site by distracting your pet with treats or using an Elizabethan collar (E-collar).
  • Avoid bathing your pet for at least ten days after surgery.
  • Check the incision site daily to confirm proper healing.
  • Your pet’s metabolism may decrease after surgery, so pet owners may need to adjust the amount of food given.
  • If you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge at the surgery site, or if the incision is open, please contact our clinic during regular business hours. Call us if your pet is lethargic, has a decreased appetite, is vomiting, or has diarrhea or other concerns following surgery. If it is a medical emergency or after business hours, please contact a veterinary hospital or your private veterinarian.

Collars or Harnesses?

Why Harnesses?

The area around a dog’s throat is one of the most vulnerable parts of their body. Research finds that when a dog pulls, or the leash is jerked, the pressure exerted on a dog’s neck by a flat collar is enough to risk damage to the dog’s neck. 

  • Collars should only be used to display ID tags, not for restraint or control. Harnesses are a better option to control your dog safely.
  • Slip and prong collars can cause injury to your dog’s neck and spine. Even when used correctly, these collars work by causing pain.

Prong collars, shock/E-collars, and choke chains also have long-term adverse behavioral effects, including problems with aggression, anxiety, and fear.

Safer Options

There are comfortable harnesses available that make walking your dog easier. Harnesses with a leash attachment at the dog’s chest and back help reduce pulling (like the Freedom No-Pull Harness).

Our staff is happy to show you how to fit and use a new Freedom Harness. 

* Please note, some front-clip harnesses restrict movement to keep the dog from pulling, but those are meant for short-term management while you are working on training your dog to walk on a loose leash. A Y-shaped harness such as the Perfect Fit harness shown in the illustration below, is a better solution for long-term use as it allows the dog to move freely. 



Once you have the right equipment, your dog can practice walking on a loose leash. If you make it rewarding for your dog to remain near your side, you will notice that your walks go more smoothly. 

Our statement about using positive reinforcement training

Learn how to train your dog not to pull