Lending a Community Cat a Helping Paw: Lady’s Story

Community cat Lady lies on a yellow blanket in a cat carrier.

Community cat Lady was in trouble. She had found herself tangled in barbed wire underneath a mobile home in the Southern Utah summer heat. Luckily for the 3-month-old kitten, she was rescued from her dangerous hiding spot and taken to One More Chance, a rescue group dedicated to providing TNR and other lifesaving services to stray cats in the St. George area. Unluckily, her back leg and paw were badly injured from the wire.

A Community Cat’s Uphill Battle

Team members at One More Chance knew they had to seek urgent help for Lady if there were to be any chance of saving her paw. When the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic got the call, we were immediately on board to help Lady.

The sweet community cat arrived onsite at HSU St. George on the morning of 6/13/24. Under anesthesia, HSU’s vets discovered a very infected wound that wrapped entirely around Lady’s leg. Her foot was extremely swollen, and one of Lady’s toes appeared to be necrotic. After removing the decomposing digit and debriding lacerations, the St. George team cleaned and bandaged Lady’s leg.

Although Lady was on the road to recovery, she wasn’t out of the woods just yet. She would have to undergo daily bandage changes until the swelling of her leg was reduced. If the swelling subsided, there was a chance that Lady would only lose her toe. However, if Lady’s leg continued to swell, her entire limb would need to be amputated.

Lady was facing an extra challenge in her recovery as a community cat— she was not used to human interaction. This meant that changing Lady’s bandages and keeping her wound clean could be difficult. However, the rescuers at One More Chance are used to working with skittish felines, and they were up to the challenge!

A green cast is applied to community cat Lady's injured leg

An Unexpected Twist

Lady’s caregivers at One More Chance were dedicated to saving as much of Lady’s leg as possible. However, it was Lady herself who contributed the final puzzle piece to her recovery! Lady turned out to be quite a friendly community cat and was open to help from her human friends. She allowed her daily bandage changes, handling from rescuers, and even enjoyed some cuddles.

By the time Lady returned to HSU’s St. George Clinic on 6/27/24, she was basically a brand new cat! The circumferential wound on her leg had almost entirely healed, and all the swelling had dissipated. In fact, Lady had full function of her hind leg and foot! This meant HSU’s veterinarians were able to save Lady’s leg, sans a single toe. Lady headed back to One More Chance that night, good as new.

However, the best news was yet to come! Because Lady had become so friendly and accustomed to handling during her recovery, she was able to be put up for adoption! A community cat no longer, Lady would be able to find a family to call her very own.

Community cat Lady looks up at the camera with her beautiful golden eyes

We are so grateful to have been a part of Lady’s journey, and her happy ending! To learn more about our St. George clinic and the services we offer, visit utahhumane.org/stg today.

Dangers of Foxtail Grass – Protecting Your Pets from Hidden Hazards

Summer brings sunshine and outdoor adventures for pets, but also hidden dangers of foxtail grass. This common weed’s barbed seed awns can burrow into fur and skin, causing severe health problems.

Understanding Foxtail Grass

Foxtail grass has a bushy, spike-like seed head that resembles a fox’s tail. The grass awns, designed to burrow and plant seeds, can also burrow into a pet’s skin, causing pain and infections.

The Dangers of Foxtail Grass

Unlike typical grass blades, foxtail awns are barbed and don’t dissolve. They can penetrate a pet’s skin, eyes, ears, nose, or other openings. The barbs prevent them from backing out, allowing them to move deeper and cause serious injuries and infections. Left untreated, they can even reach internal organs and become fatal.

Symptoms of Foxtail Embedding

Be aware of signs your pet might have a foxtail awn embedded:

  • Persistent licking or biting at a specific area, especially paws.
  • Swelling, redness, or limping.
  • Sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge (if inhaled).
  • Head shaking or ear scratching.
Collage image of three. One image is a dog's leg x-ray showing embedded foxtail. Another image is a picture of a dog's paw with swollen toes showing where the foxtail is embedded into skin. Third picture is of foxtails seeds.

Preventing Foxtail Grass Problems

The best defense is avoidance. Here’s how to protect your pet:

  • Yard: Remove all grasses with barbed seeds.
  • Leash walks: Keep your dog leashed in areas with potential foxtail grass, avoiding fields, overgrown paths, and tall, dry grass.
  • Regular inspections: After walks, thoroughly check your pet’s paws, ears, and between toes.
  • Grooming: Regularly groom and trim fur, especially around the feet, to prevent foxtails from attaching.
  • Protective gear: Consider dog booties or body suits for frequent walks in foxtail grass areas.
Beware of Foxtails safety tips infographics by Red and Howling.

If Your Pet is Affected

If you suspect a foxtail awn embedment, seek veterinary care immediately. Depending on the location, removal often requires sedation or surgery. Early intervention is crucial for a quick recovery and to prevent complications.

“Spring” into Prevention! Warm-Weather Safety for Dogs

Ahhh, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and you’re ready to return to the great outdoors with your pup at your side. But how do you ensure that your number-one companion stays safe and healthy as you venture back into the beautiful nature that Utah has to offer? Follow these tips and tricks to prepare for warm-weather adventures with your dog!

Up-to-Date? Vaccinate!

As the frost begins to thaw, so do many nasty illnesses that call the soil home. This combined with heavier foot traffic outdoors makes having up-to-date vaccinations more crucial than ever. Cases of Leptospirosis and Lyme disease in particular increase in the warmer months, but don’t fear! Our Murray clinic has an “Adventure Dog” vaccination package for this exact purpose.

Watch for Water Wellbeing

We know how tempting it is to dust off the old life jackets and get right back into water activities as soon as temperatures warm. However, Utahns must remember that spring snowmelt causes lakes, rivers, and streams to rise. Be extra cautious of even lazy-looking waterways, as they are likely faster and higher than they appear.

Check the ‘Chip

More trips to the great outdoors mean more chances for your dog to wander off and potentially get lost. Studies show that lost pets who have microchips with accurate information are more than 50% more likely to be reunited with their two-legged family members. Don’t have a microchip? Stop by our Murray clinic to snag one!

Thorns Among the Roses

Among all the beautiful foliage that blooms in the spring, there are bound to be a few weeds. Unfortunately, a few of these fauna are doggo-dangerous. Foxtails and burrs are just a couple of the harmful plants that dictate some extra warm-weather safety protocols. Be sure to thoroughly examine your pup following outings and remove seedlings from their paws, fur, noses, and other extremities.

Keep their Heart Healthy

Unfortunately, many creepy crawlies like to enjoy the warmer weather, too! Pest-related ailments become more common as spring rolls around, including issues with fleas, ticks, and worms. Increase your pet’s defenses against parasites with heartworm medication! Our Murray clinic is proud to offer monthly tablets to help boost your pup’s warm-weather safety.

Spring into prevention! Find more information about all the spring safety services our Murray clinic offers at utahhumane.org/clinic-locations/murray-clinic.

Wissy’s Story: A Dog’s Health Journey

Small dog health check-up

There is nothing scarier than watching a beloved pet endure a medical emergency. All you want to do is help your pet, but it is difficult to know where you can turn in a crisis. That is where the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic came in when Wissy the small dog needed urgent health care. We never want to see an animal suffer, and we never want to see a family lose their pet because medical care is not available. We are honored to provide a service in the St. George community so animals like Wissy can get the care they need. 

Wissy the chihuahua at the clinic

A Small Dog’s Big Health Scare

Sweet senior Chihuahua Wissy was in bad shape when she arrived at HSU’s St. George Clinic in December 2023. She suffered from a protrusion in her groin that was painful and inflamed. Desperate for assistance, her guardian contacted Susan Barrett with Angel Network. Susan runs a rescue group and helps connect Southern Utah pet guardians with animal resources. When she visited Wissy, Susan saw a sweet, incredibly loved, and cherished senior dog. She also noticed that Wissy needed immediate medical attention for her injury. Wissy’s guardian was tearful as she pleaded with Susan for assistance to save her beloved dog. 

Susan brought Wissy to our clinic in St. George. Although we are not a full-service clinic, we do our best to provide care when a pet guardian needs extra assistance. Our goal is to keep animals with their families who love and care for them whenever we can. We know that most people love their pets and just want the best for them. But with inflation and medical costs increasing, more and more pet guardians struggle to afford emergency procedures like this one. When we can help relieve that financial burden and keep a pet in their loving home, nothing is more rewarding! In Wissy’s case, we performed the mass removal, blood work, dental work & spay surgery for a minimal cost, which Angel Network covered.

Wissy’s Road to Recovery

Our St. George Clinic staff wasted no time getting Wissy into surgery to save her life. With older animals like Wissy, there is always a greater risk of complications. However, our experienced veterinary staff performed a successful surgery and guided the sweet old girl through her recovery. Susan and the clinic staff were thrilled to watch Wissy bounce back splendidly! She arrived at the clinic sick and in pain. By the time she left, she was practically prancing back to her loving guardian. 

Susan is pleased to report that she has since followed up with Wissy’s family, and the small dog is in great health! Her recovery went smoothly, and she is back to her happy self. Stories like this remind us of the important service we provide for pet guardians throughout the state of Utah. Without the intervention of Angel Network and our St. George Clinic, Wissy’s story might have ended very differently. When we can save an animal’s life and send them back to a family who loves them, we know we are making a difference for both the animals and the humans in our community. 

Stories like this are possible thanks to our skilled clinic staff and our rescue partners in the community, like Angel Network. And of course, all of our lifesaving programs are possible because of community support and individual donors. We can’t thank our supporters enough for choosing to save lives every day!

Protect Your Pets: Pet Poison Prevention Month

March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month, a time to spotlight the importance of safeguarding our pets from the unseen dangers lurking in our homes. Pets, with their curious natures, often stumble upon items that, while harmless to humans, can pose severe threats to their health. The key to pet poison prevention lies in awareness and proactive measures. Simple steps, such as storing hazardous substances out of reach, can significantly reduce the risk of pet poisoning.

Household Hazards to Watch Out For

Sweet Danger: Xylitol

Found in many sugarless gums​, candies,​ and toothpaste, xylitol is a common culprit in pet poisonings, especially in dogs. A small amount can be dangerous. Symptoms like vomiting, weakness, and seizures are red flags for xylitol poisoning.

Infographic by the ASPCA for Pet Poison Prevention Month. The many hiding places of Xylitol. Medications, Dental Health Products, Food, personal Care Items.

Medication Mishaps

Medicines that heal humans can harm pets. NSAIDs, acetaminophen, and antidepressants are particularly hazardous, leading to a range of issues, from stomach ulcers and kidney failure to severe neurological problems. Keeping medications out of reach can prevent accidental ingestions.

Floral Foes

The arrival of spring brings blooms that, while beautiful, can be deadly to pets. Lilies, for instance, are highly toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure with minimal exposure. Dogs aren’t immune to the dangers of spring bulbs either, with tulips and daffodils causing severe gastrointestinal distress.

nfographic by the ASPCA for Pet Poison Prevention Month. Identifing Poisonous Lilies for cats.

Chocolate: A Bitter Risk

Chocolate is a well-known hazard for pets, particularly dogs. The toxicity level increases with the darkness of the chocolate, with baker’s and dark chocolate being the most dangerous. The symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and even heart failure.

Garden Products: Hidden Dangers

Fertilizers may keep our gardens lush but can be deadly to our four-legged friends. Some contain harmful chemicals that can lead to drooling, seizures, and even death if ingested. Similarly, pest control products that eliminate rodents or snails can be fatal to pets, causing severe health issues without prompt veterinary care.

Prevention and Preparedness

By taking these precautions and educating others about the risks, we can make our homes safer for our beloved pets. Remember, a little effort in pet-proofing can go a long way in preventing emergencies and ensuring our pets lead happy, healthy lives. Let’s use this opportunity to spread awareness and take action to protect our furry family members from these preventable hazards.

If you suspect your pet has gotten into something toxic, please contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center or your emergency veterinarian.

Priceless Patients: Supporting Cat Health

Black and white cat laying down

Odin is a large cat with an even larger personality. The Humane Society of Utah (HSU) staff and volunteers describe him as “the sweetest, most loveable kitty who adores having his ears and chin rubbed.” He is playful, good with kids, and will say hello to just about anyone. You will notice all of this if you visit with Odin. You may not notice that Odin needs a special diet to treat urinary crystals. He is one of many cats who come to HSU yearly with special dietary needs or other health challenges.

Thanks to a generous gift from our friends, Doctors Laurel & David Fedor, we are thrilled to announce our ‘Priceless Patients’ special through March 31st. This contribution from the Fedors will help cover adoption fees and medical care for some of our cats who need extra help but still deserve loving homes!

Odin the cat receiving a health assessment

Let’s Talk About Cat Health

At the Humane Society of Utah, we understand that, much like humans, animals can face various health challenges. Some temporary ailments will go away with the proper medication or procedure. Other long-term conditions will always be a part of the animal’s life in one form or another. Some of our favorite adoptable cats have chronic conditions requiring a special diet or ongoing treatment. But often we find that, like Odin, these cats are also sweet, goofy, and lovable!

When looking for a new companion, seeing a medical condition on a cat’s profile can be scary. Questions might go through your head like: “will this animal have a shorter lifespan?”, “will this animal always be sick or uncomfortable?”, or even “how much will this cost?” These concerns are all valid and understandable! We want all the animals in our lives to be happy, healthy, and comfortable. However, many cats with chronic conditions are excellent companions who lead comfortable and fulfilling lives with the proper treatment. Sometimes, a special diet is all that is needed to keep symptoms under control. Other cats may need regular medication or additional visits to the vet. Our counselors are prepared to discuss any health needs or ongoing treatment. We want to address potential concerns so adopters can make an informed decision.

A Generous Gift For Our Priceless Patients

In times of need, we all appreciate a helping hand, and our animals are no exception! We are so fortunate to have caring donors who continually make it possible to provide for our animals. Esteemed donors, Doctors Laurel & David Fedor, wanted to do something meaningful for the cats at HSU. Laurel & David are longtime supporters and avid cat lovers themselves! Over the years, some of their own beloved cats struggled with health conditions. As Laurel describes, “The extra care and attention these cats need has actually increased my bond with them, making them even more special to me.” She hopes that other adopters will consider animals with special health needs so they can “experience the unconditional love and joy of caring for these special furry friends.”

Doctors Laurel & David Fedor at the Humane Society of Utah Gala

In December 2023, the Fedors made a generous donation of $10,000 designated for the medical care and adoption fees of our ‘Priceless Patients’. With their background in medicine, it is fitting that they chose to support the medical needs of our animals! This contribution has a profound impact on the lives of our cats. Diagnosis and treatment can cost hundreds of dollars for each cat. By funding these expenses, the Fedors make it possible for homeless cats to remain healthy and find homes faster. Adopters can look for the ‘Priceless Patient’ kennel cards to find adoptable cats with fees covered by this generous contribution. 

Our goal is to remove as many barriers to adoption as possible so we can connect animals with loving families who want to give them homes. At HSU, we perform the bloodwork, diagnosis, and treatment for cats showing any sign of illness while in our care, so those expenses are not passed on to the adopter. Thanks to the Fedors’ generous donation, we can provide medical services for even more cats who will end up in loving homes as a result! Cats like Odin, who finally found a home after 3 months of waiting!

Smile Bright: Celebrating Pet Dental Awareness Month

February is Pet Dental Awareness Month. This is a time to spotlight the importance of your pet’s dental health and how it impacts their overall well-being. The Humane Society of Utah is thrilled to join this cause, emphasizing the value of dental care in pets’ lives. With the introduction of affordable dental services at our Murray Clinic, you can ensure your pet’s smile is as healthy as their tail is waggy.

The Importance of Pet Dental Health

Dental health is a crucial component of a pet’s overall health. Neglecting dental care can lead to more than bad breath; it can cause periodontal disease, tooth loss, and even affect the heart, liver, and kidneys. Understanding the signs of dental problems and seeking prompt care can protect your pet from unnecessary pain and potential systemic health issues.

Learn more about the importance of pet dental health from the American Veterinary Medical Association.

A close up photo of human fingers picking up a dog lip to show pet dental health.

Dental Care Tips for Pet Owners

While professional veterinary care is paramount, there are several steps pet owners can take at home to maintain their pet’s dental health:

  • Regular Brushing: Like humans, pets benefit significantly from regular tooth brushing. Use a pet-safe toothpaste and start slowly to get your pet accustomed to the process.
  • Dental Treats and Toys: Many products are designed to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup. Always choose products approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC).
  • Routine Check-Ups: Regular veterinary check-ups can help catch dental issues before they become severe.

A Healthy Pet is a Happy Pet

This Pet Dental Awareness Month, we invite you to prioritize your pet’s dental health. Whether it’s scheduling a dental check-up, starting a new tooth-brushing routine, or learning more about pet dental care, every step you take makes a difference.

Keeping Your Furry Friends Safe This Thanksgiving

A large black and tan dog lays in the yard with fall leaves on the ground.

Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and delicious meals. As we gather to celebrate, it’s important to remember our furry family members and ensure their safety during this festive season. The abundance of food and guests can pose unique risks to our pets, but we can ensure they have a safe and enjoyable holiday with a few precautions.

1. Mindful Meal Planning: The Thanksgiving feast is a highlight, but not all ingredients are pet-friendly. Onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, chocolate, and xylitol (found in sugar-free treats) are among the many foods that can be harmful to pets. Be cautious about leaving plates or trash accessible to your curious companions.

2. Pet-Safe Space: With a bustling household, it’s easy for pets to feel overwhelmed. Create a quiet, comfortable space for them away from the commotion. Provide familiar toys or blankets to help them feel secure amidst the festivities.

3. Avoid Table Scraps: Resist the urge to share your meal with your pets, as rich or fatty foods can lead to digestive issues or pancreatitis. Instead, opt for pet-friendly treats to include them in the celebration without compromising their health.

4. Secure Trash Cans: After the meal, please take care of leftovers and packaging promptly and securely. Turkey bones, discarded food scraps, and strings from meat can be enticing but hazardous if ingested. Ensure trash cans are sealed or placed in an area inaccessible to pets.

5. Stress Management: The holiday chaos can stress out pets leading to anxiety or even escape attempts. Consider using calming aids, like pheromone diffusers or calming music, to ease their nerves. Additionally, ensure they have proper identification in case they manage to slip away in the hustle and bustle.

6. Watch the Doors: As guests come and go, there’s a higher chance of doors being left open. Be mindful of your pet’s whereabouts to prevent them from slipping out unnoticed. Consider using baby gates or leashes to manage their access to high-traffic areas.

7. Communicate with Guests: Inform your guests about your pet’s needs and sensitivities. Request that they avoid feeding table scraps or leaving food unattended. Additionally, remind them to be cautious when entering or exiting to prevent accidental escapes.

Thanksgiving is a special occasion where we express gratitude and enjoy the company of our loved ones, including our furry friends. We can ensure our pets have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving by taking a few precautions and staying mindful of their needs. Remember, a little planning can go a long way in ensuring that our pets enjoy the celebration as much as we do!

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets: Tricks and Treats to Keep Them Safe

A red dog with a large head wears devil horns and a black cape, standing against fall-colored trees.

Halloween is a time of spooky fun, costumes, and delicious treats for humans, but it can be a downright nightmare for our furry friends. Many hidden dangers, from candy hazards to frightening decorations, can threaten our pets. This year, let’s ensure a safe and happy Halloween with these safety tips for pets.

Two dogs go on a spooky walk to prep for Halloween safety tips for pets.

Take a Spooky Walk: If your dog enjoys walks, take them for a Halloween-themed stroll in your neighborhood. It’s an excellent opportunity for them to experience the sights and sounds of the holiday in a controlled environment. ​Ple​ase bring lots of treats to help them form a positive association with ​the various ​sights and sounds from Halloween decorations. 

Choose Pet-Friendly Decorations: Decorations like fake cobwebs, glow sticks, and lit pumpkins may seem harmless, but they can pique your pet’s curiosity. Cats might see stringy decorations as toys and dogs may chew on them. Ensure all decorations are pet-safe. Some decorations, like glow sticks, can be toxic if ingested by pets. ​Please keep them out of reach, and be careful ​​where you place them.

A black cat sits with orange and black Halloween decor.

Safe Candy Storage: If swallowed, candy wrappers, chocolate, and lollipop sticks can be hazardous. Make sure to dispose of these items safely and securely. And remember to keep that bowl of candy out of your pet’s reach!

Pet-Safe Treats: ​Consider making or buying pet-safe treats. Many recipes available online cater to your pet’s dietary needs.
Soundproofing: The constant doorbell ringing and noisy trick-or-treaters can stress your pet out. Create a safe and quiet space for them with soothing music or a white noise machine to drown out the commotion.

Puppy Survival Guide – Part 1: The Importance of Sleep

Tan puppy sleeps on white blanket.

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting experience but comes with its fair share of challenges. Proper sleep is one of the most vital aspects of ensuring your puppy’s well-being and development. In this first part of our Puppy Survival Guide series, we’ll dive into why sleep is essential and how you can create a comfortable sleep environment for your new puppy.

The Sleep Needs of a Puppy

Like human babies, puppies require a significant amount of sleep to grow, learn, and stay healthy. Sleep is a vital part of their physical and cognitive development. While the exact amount of sleep varies depending on your pup’s breed, size, and age, the general recommendations are:

  • 8-week-old puppies sleep anywhere from 18 to 20 hours a day.
  • 12-16 week old puppies require 12-16 hours of sleep daily.
  • 6-month-old puppies start to sleep about the same amount as adult dogs, 10-14 hours a day. However, their brains are still growing. When you have house guests or return from an outing with your puppy, they may need a longer nap to recover.

During sleep, your puppy’s body undergoes crucial processes such as tissue repair, growth, and memory consolidation. It’s not just about getting shut-eye— it’s about giving your puppy’s body the time it needs to thrive. Puppies are like sponges, soaking up new experiences and learning from their environment. However,  many people misjudge the amount of sleep their puppy needs, making it harder for themselves and their new puppy.

Benefits of a well-rested puppy

  • Sleep helps consolidate new memories and experiences, improving cognitive development. 
  • Like humans, dogs can experience mood swings and irritability when tired. Ensuring your pup gets enough sleep can help maintain a balanced and happy disposition. 
  • A well-rested puppy is more receptive to training. When your pup is alert and focused, teaching them basic cues, house training, and proper behavior is easier.

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment For Your Puppy

Creating a comfortable and safe sleep environment is essential to provide your puppy with the best sleep possible. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Designate a quiet area. Choose a peaceful spot in your home where your puppy can sleep without disruptions. This will help them relax and sleep soundly.
  • Choose the right bed. Invest in a comfortable and appropriate-sized bed for your pup. Whether it’s a plush bed, a crate with soft bedding, or a cozy corner, ensure your puppy has a designated sleeping space.
  • Temperature control. Puppies are sensitive to temperature changes. Make sure the sleeping area is warm enough. However, some puppies may prefer a cool floor over a warm bed, depending on their breed type.
  • Establish a routine. Puppies thrive on routines. Establish a consistent bedtime routine with a short walk, playtime, and quiet moments to help your puppy transition into sleep mode.
  • Limit distractions. Keep the sleeping area free from loud noises, bright lights, and other distractions that might prevent your pup from sleeping well.
  • Be patient. Like any new routine, your puppy might need time to adjust to their sleep schedule. Be patient and understanding as they adapt to their new environment.

Stay tuned for the next installment of our Puppy Survival Guide series, where we’ll explore the art of management. And don’t forget, a well-rested puppy is a happy puppy!