More than a Bonded Pair: Bumblebee and Ladybugs’ Story

Bonded pair of persian cats Ladybug and Bumblebee pose in a room in Kitty City.

The Humane Society of Utah is no stranger to aiding with hoarding cases. However, taking in these large groups of pets often presents unique challenges. Hoarding pets are oftentimes undersocialized and display fearful behaviors when interacting with new people. Many times, these pets also have medical concerns that need to be addressed.

When seven Persian cats ended up in HSU’s care due to a recent hoarding case, their physical state was notably worse than is typical. Most of the cats were severely matted, and a few had untreated open wounds. Nearly all the Persians needed moderate to severe dental services. Some had teeth so decayed that most, if not all, of their teeth would need to be extracted.

Various teams at HSU jumped into action to give each of the cats the care they needed. After medical care had been provided, several of the Persians were placed in foster homes to recover before being put up for adoption. Bumblebee and Ladybug were two of these cats.

A Bonded Pair Emerges

Bumblebee and Ladybug were two of the cats in the worst shape out of the seven. Both had undergone severe dental treatments and extractions, with Ladybug needing to have all of her teeth removed. Bumblebee had an open wound on his chin and most of the fur on his back formed a massive mat. The duo was sent to the same foster home for their respective recoveries.

When the time came for Bumblebee and Ladybug to return to HSU and take up residence on the adoption floor, their foster let HSU staff know just how close the two had become during their stay. They said that Bumblebee and Ladybug comforted and leaned on one another and appeared to have a very special relationship. Ladybug and Bumblebee were determined to be a bonded pair.

A bonded pair consists of two animals who have developed a relationship so strong that it would be distressing for them to be separated. Small mammals such as rabbits and guinea pigs most commonly form these types of bonds, but occasionally cats and dogs do as well. HSU honors these relationships by exclusively adopting bonded pairs out to homes where they can go together. This would be the case for Bumblebee and Ladybug.

Persian cat Bumblebee looks through the railing of the stairs in his new home with the other half of his bonded pair, Ladybug.

Finding Forever Together

Bumblebee and Ladybug were in HSU’s care for over a month while they waited to find their new family. A bonded pair to their core, the cats boosted one another’s confidence in Kitty City. They warmed up more to new people each day. HSU’s staff worked hard to spread awareness about the two kitties, and their desire to go home together. Finally, on one fateful August morning, their wait was over.

Nadia and her boyfriend always wanted Persian cats, but they both advocated for rescue and were determined to adopt rather than buy. The couple had a strong understanding of the work and needs associated with the Persian breed. They also had experience owning cats with medical issues. When they came across Bumblebee and Ladybug on HSU’s social media, it felt like fate.

“It was rather spontaneous,” Nadia said. “my boyfriend is the one who says, ‘no,’ and I’m the one who always comes home with kitty surprises. But this time, when I showed him [Bumblebee and Ladybug], without hesitation he said, ‘Let’s go to the Humane Society and meet them!'”

Nadia’s boyfriend did have one condition— he had always wanted to adopt a bonded pair and name them “Guts” and “Gore.” Nadia laughed as she recounted that if her boyfriend was on board with adopting two more cats, she could no longer refuse him the names he loved so much.

Ladybug (now Guts) sits in her favorite chair in her new home with the other half of her bonded pair, Bumblebee (now Gore).

More than a Bonded Pair

It didn’t take long for Guts and Gores’ personalities to shine through in their new home. Nadia describes the joy the pair have brought into her life with a smile. She said she and her boyfriend will look at the Persians, and the Persians will stare back, and they’ll burst into happy laughter. The cats were assigned their respective names as their individuality emerged.

“Ladybug is now Guts. We decided to name her Guts rather than Gore because she’s all GUTS! She’s so adventurous and wanted to skip the 3-day separation period (from other pets). After the first night, she kept wanting to run out of the bathroom to play with the rest of the gang and explore the house! We love that about our Gutsy girl. She’s brave and seems to just want to soak up the sun and enjoy life, which is amazing given what she’s been through. 

That left Bumblebee with the name Gore and it actually suits him! We call him ‘Gore Bore’ because he just loves sitting in his heated bed, not doing anything. He allows the rest of the busy world go by, and he totally deserves the slow life if he wants it! We also call him Gorebee to honor his past self.”

Nadia says she is grateful to have adopted Guts and Gore together and to see their special bond. Guts brings Gore out of his shell, and they’ve both helped Nadia and her boyfriend to “slow down.” She recounts the time period before the bonded pair’s elevated dishes had arrived. She and her boyfriend would sit hold the cat’s bowls while they ate to help them breathe better.

Take the Plunge

When asked what she would say to those considering adoption, Nadia did not hesitate to answer.

“Just do it. You are missing out on so much joy. My boyfriend was always frustrated that I’d bring a new friend home, then they’d always end up liking him more than me, and now he can’t live without them! Definitely make sure your heart is in the right place as you are their everything. They’re all a lot of work, but moments like this morning when they’re all lying in the sun and napping together, and you’re the reason they’re so happy and at peace, is what makes it so worth it. You truly are their everything and it is such an honor to care for these sweet babies.”

All the adoptable pets at the Humane Society of Utah can be viewed at Your purr-fect someone, or maybe even a bonded pair, is just waiting to meet you!

Ladybug and Bumblebee) now Guts and Gore) curled up in their new home together with their new family.