Did you know by not picking up after your dog, you’re putting other people and their pets at risk of exposure to harmful bacteria and parasites?

Did you know by not picking up after your dog, you’re putting other people and their pets at risk of exposure to harmful bacteria and parasites?
Beatrice, or Bea, for short, was 14-years old when she returned to the Humane Society of Utah’s Pet Resource Center in Murray. Her caregivers had adopted her from us years ago but needed to bring her back because they were moving to a place that didn’t accept bully breeds. Bea also had two large masses … Read More
You may have (or may not) have noticed that we no longer refer to ourselves as an “animal shelter” in our recent communications and are now calling ourselves a “Pet Resource Center.” In this three-part blog series, we’ll explain why.
This year, we secured protection for pets and additional protection for humans in domestic violence situations. We had a second big win in defeating a bill that would have opened the floodgates to puppy mills in Utah.
RHDV-2 Vaccine for Rabbits & Leptospirosis Vaccine for Dogs Available Our affordable pet clinics in Murray, Utah and St. George, Utah are offering Leptospirosis vaccines to the public. Our Murray clinic is also offering RHDV-2 Vaccines to pet rabbits. Leptospirosis has been associated with water sports in contaminated lakes and rivers, especially in tropical or … Read More
Leo, a 4-year-old bully breed, was severely malnourished and suffering from what appeared to be extreme allergies, which had led to hair loss and skin infections all over his body.
Kennedy is a sweet-spirited eight-year-old who’s been volunteering for the Humane Society of Utah’s Pet Resource Center in Murray since January 2022.
With so many training options available, it can be hard to figure out which is the best method for you and your pet. The animal training industry remains unregulated, leading to various opinions about what methods are the “right” methods. Evidence supports the use of reward-based methods for all canine training, along with the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior.
He was a frequent flyer at the local animal shelter and found himself there numerous times.
Bunnies are the third most common animal at the Humane Society of Utah after cats and dogs. Still, many people aren’t aware of what great pets they make!