We are very excited to announce the 2020 Utah Humane Society Kitty Book Club Reading Program supporting kids and pets!
Reading stimulates the imagination, builds important neuro pathways, and helps children to expand their understanding of the world around them. But did you also know the benefits of reading to animals? Learning to read can be stressful for young children, but when you read to an animal you take away the worry of making mistakes and replace it with a judgment-free reading experience. This has proven to increase motivation to read, increase confidence in reading, and improve fluency while reading.
This program also has many benefits for shelter pets. Studies have shown that being read to decreases stress levels, can calm restless animals, and helps shy animals gain confidence when meeting new people. All of the perks directly improve an animal’s chance of being quickly adopted and decreases the time they spend in the shelter.
Please visit our Humane Education page to find out more!