Will, a four-year-old Australian Shepherd, needed surgery, and soon. He came to our Animal Resource Center suffering from severe bladder stones. As a result, he wasn’t eating or drinking and was at high risk of acute renal failure. For Will to regain his health, our veterinarian recommended urgent surgery to remove the stones. The estimated cost of this operation was $3,400.
His family stressed that they would do anything to ensure Will lived a long and healthy life — but unfortunately, they couldn’t afford to pay for the surgery.
“We wanted to keep him, of course. Will is a valued member of our family,” explained Jystine, Will’s guardian. “But we couldn’t afford the procedure to remove the stones, which would mean putting his life in danger. We didn’t know what to do or what our options were.”

That’s when Jystine contacted the Humane Society of Utah for help. Our Admissions Team determined that our Pet Retention Program could assist Will’s family best. The program provides resources to pet owners who wish to keep their pets but are experiencing financial hardship. In addition, resources are offered to people and pets who genuinely need them and include food, medical care, or behavioral services.
Due to Will’s dire situation, our staff scheduled him for an urgent bladder stone removal operation. Stressed and worried about their pet, Will’s owners called to check on him every four hours. They wanted more than anything for Will to recover and return home as soon as possible.
Fortunately for Will and his family, the surgery was a success, and after just one day of recovery, Will was able to go home. But due to the global pandemic, so many families like Will’s are struggling to make ends meet.
And too often, when loving owners can’t afford food, medical care, or other essential care for their pets — they feel surrendering them to the Humane Society of Utah is the best or only option.

“While we have a great facility, and we work hard to provide the best possible care for the animals who come to us, a shelter is still a stressful place for any animal,” says Amber Henry, our Admissions & Placement Manager. “We’d much rather keep pets and people together, if possible.”
Since then, Will’s owners have expressed their sincere gratitude to our team, who helped save Will’s life and make it possible for them to afford the costly surgery. Learn more about our Pet Retention Program at UtahHumane.org/petretention.