An Injured Cat Steals Our Veterinarian’s Heart

An injured cat, Mango, arrived at the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic with a gaping and infected face wound. A local rescue, One More Chance, had brought him to our clinic through our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. TNR involves fixing, vaccinating, and ear-tipping feral and stray cats, then returning them to their territory. TNR is a humane way to control the community cat population and stop the spread of fatal viruses, such as rabies and distemper.

An injured cat gets the help he needs

After assessing his injury, our veterinarian, Dr. Gray, realized the wound could not be sutured- it was too infected. So, she cleaned and debrided the injury in hopes of helping it contract down and heal together naturally. During Mango’s examination, Dr. Gray also noticed he had necrotic, or dead tissue, surrounding an old wound on his right front paw. The most likely cause was that Mango previously had something wrapped around his paw that restricted his blood flow for a considerable time.

As Dr. Gray carefully removed the dead tissue, she realized three of the toes were completely dead, and she’d only be able to save two of Mango’s five toes. Dr. Gray cleaned and debrided the injury, leaving only fresh, healthy tissue so the rest of his paw could heal. Dr. Gray shared, “As soon as we became aware of Mango’s disability, we knew he couldn’t be released to live as a feral cat. It wouldn’t be safe for him. So, we called Kris Neil, owner of One More Chance, to ensure Mango would have a safe place to live after his surgery. Kris said that Mango could live with her until she could find a good home for him, which relieved me greatly.”

Because Mango’s right front paw was now permanently in the unmistakable “hang loose” sign, the ultimate symbol of Aloha in Hawaii serving as a reminder not to worry or rush, HSU’s St. George staff lovingly nicknamed him “Shaka.”  Since Mango proved unusually chill for a feral cat, even coming off as sweet and friendly, his new nickname suited him perfectly.

Mango was so friendly that our St. George team found it hard to believe that he grew up as a feral cat. Upon further research, our team discovered that Mango most likely lived in a home with two other cats until his owner died a year ago. The other two cats were caught and rehomed, but the third cat remained missing ever since.

After Dr. Gray cared for Mango’s wounds and completed his neuter, vaccinations, ear tipping, and an umbilical hernia repair, she sent Mango home to recover with Kris. But as the weeks passed, Dr. Gray realized that she missed him. She felt a special bond with Mango and found herself considering adopting him. Dr. Gray explained, “The issue was I’d just had a baby and didn’t think it was an ideal time for me to bring home a new cat.”

Still, she worried about Mango and occasionally reached out to Kris to ensure he was happy and healthy. “Kris shared with me that Mango had taken on the role of “cat nanny” at her rescue as he was cuddling and caring for the other cats, especially the kittens. Mango is so sweet; it sounded exactly like something he’d do.”

A few weeks later, Mango visited Dr. Gray for a check-up to ensure his paw and face were healing nicely. Dr. Gray was excited to see her darling Shaka. She’d missed him fiercely. During their reunion, Dr. Gray realized she was madly in love with this hang loose disabled cat with the scarred-up face. He’d stolen her heart, and after learning that he still hadn’t found a permanent home, Dr. Gray decided to adopt him. She knew Mango would happily take on the role of ‘cat nanny’ to her newborn baby.

Months after adopting him, Dr. Gray shared, “Mango is such a sweet addition to our family. He’s healed, living a cozy life of luxury, and surrounded by so much love. Our dogs adore him, too, and they happily make room for Mango on their bed. I’m so happy he came to our clinic that day. I love knowing he’s safe now at home with us.”

A “Hoppy” Holiday: Easter Pet Safety Tips

Black and white dog lays on grass wearing bunny ears and is surrounded by colorful eggs in the grass.

Peter Cottontail hops down the bunny trail with many treats! However, while some parts of the Easter celebration are safe for our pets to partake in, others are not. Follow these Easter pet safety tips to ensure a “Hoppy” holiday!

  1. Easter Treats

Keep pets away from anything containing chocolate or xylitol (sometimes called “birch sugar”), which is a popular ingredient in sugar-free candy. Don’t allow children to store their Easter baskets in their room. Pets have very strong noses and can likely find even the most carefully hidden treats. Keep candy up high and stored securely out of paws reach.

  1. Easter Foliage

Easter lilies and tulips may be beautiful, but are often deadly for cats. Be sure to keep these popular flowers out of your bouquets if feline friends could come across them. Safer alternatives include roses, gerber daisies, and sunflowers.

  1. Easter Decor

Plastic Easter grass causes several vet visits every year as ingesting it can cause blockages and intestinal damage. If your pet does ingest Easter grass, refrain from pulling strings out of their backside. String can become twisted around your pet’s insides and pulling it out can cause further damage. Please visit your emergency veterinarian instead.

  1. Egg Hunts

If you’re hiding eggs, be sure to note how many eggs you’ve hidden and where they are. Both plastic and real Easter eggs can cause issues for pets if eaten or broken. Keep pets clear of the egg hunt area until everything has been thoroughly cleaned up.

  1. Easter Dinner

Sharing a plate with your pet? It’s important to know what foods are not pet-safe, such as onions, avocados, olives, garlic, grapes, cooked bones, uncooked dough, and alcohol.

Let’s Talk About Doodle Dogs

A Doodle dog stands in the grass over a red ball looking up at the camera.

In the last two years, the Humane Society of Utah has seen a large influx of doodle dogs surrendered to our shelter. This blog will address why and what you should consider before bringing home one of these popular dogs.

What’s a doodle dog? 

First, what is a doodle? A doodle is any breed of dog mixed with a standard, miniature, or toy poodle. For example, a golden doodle mixes a poodle and a golden retriever, aussiedoodle = Australian shepherd x poodle, and bernadoodle = Bernese mountain dog x poodle.

Doodles gained notoriety from Wally Conron, a breeding manager for the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia in the 1980s. Conron tried to find a guide dog for a blind woman whose husband was allergic to dogs. He came up with the idea to cross a poodle with a Labrador retriever, hoping the positive traits that make Labs great service dogs would combine with the non-shedding characteristics of a poodle. This history may suggest that doodles are hypoallergenic and make great family pets.

Are all doodles hypoallergenic?

However, there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog. Allergens carry in dander (dead skin cells), saliva, and urine, so they are impossible to avoid altogether. Some dogs produce fewer allergens or shed less than others, but no dog is completely free of allergens. In addition, allergies vary from person to person, so you never truly know if or how badly you will react to a particular dog. That’s why we always suggest treating every dog as an individual and interacting with them before bringing them home.

Second, it’s not black and white when it comes to genetics and mixing breeds. When you take the genes of two breeds, there is no guarantee of the puppy’s traits. You risk losing the desirable characteristics of each breed and inheriting health issues and undesirable traits. While mixing two dogs may counteract some of the specific hereditary diseases from each parent dog, there’s still no guarantee about which genes your pup will inherit. You could end up with any combination of these conditions, especially in the first mixed generation. Please keep in mind where and how we raise puppies can also contribute to their adult behavior. Puppies who experience early exposure and positive interactions with different people and environments in a home setting will have a better chance of success.

Doodle puppies who “look the part” and are supposedly hypoallergenic often cost more than doodle puppies who still shed or have a nontraditional-looking coat. That’s right; doodles have different types of fur! Many appear wiry, like Jack and Simba (pictured below). While wiry doodle coats will likely shed, they won’t require the regular trips to the groomer for trims and de-matting like a poodle coat will.

Do all doodles act the same? 

Third, because doodles are mixed with many other breeds, their behaviors come in a wide variety. For example, some families expect their doodle to behave low-key and goofy like their friend’s golden doodle. But, they preferred the blue merle coloring of the sheepdoodle or aussiedoodle may be in for a big surprise. Richard (pictured below) went through multiple families for not “behaving” like a doodle. He had a poodle coat, but he exhibited strong herding breed-like behaviors. 

Grey and white doodle dog Richard plays in yard with a tennis ball in his mouth.
Richard’s DNA test revealed he was a standard poodle sheepdog cross.

Doodles come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and can make wonderful additions to most families. However, we encourage you to do your research and understand that the doodle puppy in front of you may grow up differently than you expect. We often have poodle mixes available for adoption at HSU. Take a look at our website first if you’re considering one for your family. Like all our dogs, they come spayed/neutered, microchipped, dewormed, and have age-appropriate vaccinations.

Safe Houseplants for Cats

A long-haired tabby cat stand up on a safe houseplant for cats near a window.

With spring right around the corner, many people are gearing up for green leaves and bright blossoms. Adding plants to your home can be exciting and fun, but did you know some plants pose a danger to your furry friends? It’s important to get familiar with safe houseplants for cats!

What are some safe houseplants for cats?

Finding plants you and your cat can safely enjoy isn’t hard! There’s a variety of safe houseplants for cats. If gorgeous green leaves catching sunlight sounds like a dream to you, here are some plants to look for:

  • Spider plant
  • Calathea Orbifolia
  • Peperomia
  • Baby Tears
  • Prayer plant
A orange tabby kitten plays with safe houseplant for cats on the sunlight floor.

Some people prefer stunning colorful flowers hanging out in their homes. Don’t worry. There are plenty of beautiful blossoms that are also safe for cats! If you’re bringing flowers inside, either to plant or in a bouquet, here are some cat-safe ones to keep in mind:

  • Orchid
  • Rose
  • Bromeliad
  • African violet
  • Gerber daisy

Other safe houseplants for cats include:

  • Venus fly trap
  • Polka dot plant
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Catnip (of course!)

What plants are dangerous for cats?

While we like to focus on the positives, it is important to note that there are many plants that are toxic to cats. Lilies, tulips, and aloe have all earned the title of being dangerous for cats. If you’re unsure if your plant is cat friendly, click here for a list of plants that could pose a danger to your cat.

It is possible to create a home that’s safe for humans, cats, and plants alike! Knowing what plants to look for when finding safe houseplants for cats is extremely important. Doing a little research now can ensure your cat stays happy and healthy!

Fearful Dog Gets a Second Chance

Maverick a fearful former outdoor dog lays on a wooden deck at his new home.

Maverick, a teenage puppy, came to HSU’s Pet Resource Center in Murray five days before Christmas.  His guardian said he could no longer care for him due to having a newborn. He described the 8-month-old pup as “smart and kind” and “very fond of his soccer ball.” He also shared that Maverick had a history of being nervous around all people, both familiar and strange, and he’d almost exclusively lived outside. Maverick was a fearful dog who needed a little help from our team of certified dog trainers.

Extra attention from our Behavior Team

While in our care, Maverick’s nerves reached new heights.  He was uneasy with his surroundings and terrified to cross the middle divider in his kennel, separating his food area from his potty area.  Erika Newman, HSU’s Behavioral Coordinator, shared, “When Maverick first came to us, he avoided contact with me at all costs.  When I slowly introduced myself to him, he offered up low tail wags, which for a dog, translates to, ‘I want to interact, but I’m very uncomfortable right now.’ When I finally approached him, he melted into my lap and began licking my face.  It was clear he wanted affection and closeness but was unsure how to go about it.” 

During meet and greets with potential adopters, Maverick continued with his low tail wags and would even roll over to show his belly or pee when approached.  Erika pointed out that these are submissive behaviors and indicate that a dog feels frightened or threatened and lacks confidence. “The goal of our department is to help all the pets in our care to build confidence through positive reinforcement techniques.  Since behavioral issues may lead a guardian to rehome their pet, positive reinforcement training is a critical service we provide for pets and adopters.” 

Fearful dog Maverick plays fetch with a tennis ball.

A foster home for the holidays

Luckily for Maverick, the Humane Society of Utah was hosting its annual Home for the Holidays program, which places pets into foster homes, so they don’t have to spend Christmas in a kennel alone.  This meant Maverick could have more one-on-one time in the comfort of someone’s home without a scary kennel divider in his way.  Annette Perkins took on the role of Maverick’s foster mom.  With Erika’s guidance, Annette worked to help Maverick feel more at ease by going slow with her interactions with him.  And she taught him alternative ways to connect with humans through positive reinforcement.

Over two weeks, Maverick’s nerves began to subside, and he started interacting more easily with other dogs and humans at Annette’s local dog park.  Slowly but surely, Maverick was transforming from a low-wagging tail pup to one who was more adventurous and easygoing.  With his newfound confidence, Maverick was ready to return to our Pet Resource Center and find an adopter.  He didn’t have to wait long;  he found a home with a woman named Beatrice and her daughter the next day. 

From fearful to confident

Recently, Beatrice shared with our team that Maverick is thriving in his new home, where he has a doggy door and can come and go as he pleases.  Outside, he enjoys chasing balls and playing in the snow, but his favorite place is right beside Beatrice, especially when it involves cuddling up next to her at night.  Beatrice wrote in her email, “I took Maverick to a dog park this week, and he had a blast running around with all the doggies!   I am just so impressed with how well-behaved he is.  He is settling in great, and I already love him so much!” We were so happy to see this fearful dog blossom into a happy and healthy companion.

Maverick cuddles with his new owner on the couch.

A Long Road To Recovery

Lady the brindle dog sleeping on a dog bed in her foster home.

Lady, a five-year-old bully mix, was surrendered to our Pet Resource Center in Murray because her guardian worked longer hours and could no longer give her the time and attention she needed. Before leaving Lady in our care, her guardian described her as “playful and friendly” and said her favorite things were “watermelon and sleeping on the bed .”Lady was so sweet with our staff that we thought she’d be adopted immediately without any problems, but unfortunately for Lady, this wasn’t the case. 

Accessing Lady’s health

After an assessment, our medical team discovered that Lady’s skin and ears were infected, and she had a handful of broken teeth. She also had a pretty severe limp. Upon further discovery, it became apparent that the ligaments in Lady’s knees had ruptured in both legs. If she were ever going to run or jump again, she’d need to undergo TPLO surgery, short for Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy, to have these ligaments repaired. The problem was that Lady weighed 90 pounds, so our team made the decision to conduct these surgeries two months apart, so Lady wasn’t totally incapacitated. 

After her first surgery, Lady went into our Foster Program under the care of Caitlin Lisle, our Humane Education Director. Caitlin put Lady on ‘bed rest’ and helped her pass the time with food puzzles and yummy frozen treats. Caitlin explained, “Lady was such a joy to rehab. She had the best disposition of any dog I’ve ever cared for. She was just so cheerful all the time about everything. She even loved it when I iced her leg!”

Lady the brindle dog wears a pink sprinkle donut cone while she recovers from surgery in foster home.

While waiting for her second TPLO surgery, our medical team found that Lady was also suffering from entropion in both eyes. Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid rolls inward, causing the eyelashes and surrounding hair to rub against the dog’s sensitive cornea, which results in eye irritation, and, if not remedied quickly, can lead to corneal ulceration. 

Caitlin shared, “I felt so bad for her. Poor Lady couldn’t catch a break! She eventually had three surgeries within 16 weeks. Regardless, she never cried once and always gave her full attention while doing her physical rehabilitation therapy activities. She was the best girl ever!”

Over the four months they shared, Caitlin and Lady became very attached. When Lady was all healed and ready for adoption, Caitlin was happy for her but also teary-eyed. “It was bittersweet because I was so in love with her. But since I already have four dogs of my own, I knew I couldn’t keep her.”

Lady finds a home

Caitlin screened potential adopters to ensure Lady went to the perfect home. A few weeks passed, but Caitlin didn’t find the right fit until a woman named Katie reached out after seeing Lady’s story on our Instagram account. 

Katie shared, “The day I saw Lady’s post was the first anniversary of when our beloved labrador, Ryder, passed away. We’d had Ryder for almost 11 years, and our family was heartbroken when he passed. I didn’t know if we were ready for a new dog, but I reached out to Caitlin on a whim.”

Lady in her adopted home watches a toy train in the living room.

Caitlin invited Katie, her husband, Dan, and their two young kids, Liam and Lucas, to meet Lady. But Dan was resistant. He told Katie, “Unless this dog gives me a sign by jumping into my lap or something, I don’t think I’m ready for a new dog.” Lady must have superman hearing because as soon as Dan walked in to meet her, that’s exactly what she did. 

Katie recalled, “Lady ran directly over to Dan and jumped in his lap. We were all stunned. Not only this, but she was very gentle and tolerant with our kids. We fell in love with her immediately, and she’s been a member of our family ever since.”

Lady wears a Christmas  sweater in her adopted home while watching over her a young boy playing in the snow.

These days you can find Lady riding shotgun alongside Katie to pick up the kids from school or glued to Dan’s hip. “The loss of Ryder was so hard on my husband, but now, he’s Lady’s biggest fan. They’re like little comfort buddies. She always seems to know when we’re having a bad day, and if she senses we are, she’s at our side to offer comfort. She is exactly what our family needs.”

Leash reactivity- where do I start?

Tan and white leash reactive dog pulls on leash while barking on a tree lined walkway.

Leash Reactivity is a term that many humans who own dogs are unaware of, and when they hear it, they don’t know what it means or looks like. Leash reactivity is an on-leash dog barking, growling, lunging, etc., at a trigger. The “trigger” is something or someone that causes this fear response to engage at a certain distance, specific to each dog with reactivity. 

Leash reactivity does not necessarily mean aggression. Dogs can be leash reactive out of frustration or fear, which does not always mean they intend to harm the other dog or trigger. For example, a dog’s leash reactivity may be based on the frustration of being unable to greet another dog. As a result, he barks and pulls on his leash when he sees the other dogs in an attempt to get to them. However, once given a proper introduction, he can play successfully or never shows this type of behavior when off-leash at the dog park. And remember, some fearful dogs may be asking for space from other dogs and do not want to be social with other dogs, and that’s okay too.

Training tips to start with leash reactivity

Tip #1: Bring the treats! Everyone likes a payday, winning the jackpot, or a tasty morsel after dinner. And dogs are no different. So not only will it be easier to work with your dog, but this method will help your dog form a positive association with their triggers.

Tan and white dog takes a treat from a lady's hand while sitting outdoors in a green field.

Tip #2: Give yourself space. Which will likely mean more space than you think. If your dog is leash reactive walking down the street, try crossing the street. If they are walking down the same street, stop behind a parked car that acts as a visual barrier, allowing them to gain distance between you and your dog. 

A tan barrier reactive dogs barks behind a black iron gate.

Tip #3: One training exercise we like to use here at HSU is Look At That (LAT.) This exercise changes the dog’s emotional response when they see their trigger. To practice LAT, start far from the trigger so the dog can remain calm. The moment the dog looks at the trigger, mark by saying “Yes!” or clicking with a clicker and immediately follow up with a reward (treat.) Continue to practice this exercise throughout the walk; over time, you can decrease the distance between the dog and their trigger. This reinforces the behavior of staying calm around the trigger and teaches them an alternate behavior to reacting. 

If you are struggling with your leash reactive dog and looking for advice, please visit our website or contact [email protected]

Enriching Your Cat’s Life

Black cat lays with head upside down while playing with feather wand toy during enrichment session.

Are the 3:00 AM  zoomies causing havoc to your beauty sleep? Or are the mopey meows getting you down? We know how much you love your feline friend, but lately, the beat-up and tired wand toy hasn’t performed like it used to. Enriching your cat’s life isn’t hard to do, and with these tips, you’re sure to add some spark to your sweet fur baby’s life!

Spice Up Your Old Toys

Cat toys can get expensive, and paying an arm and a leg to entertain your cat should not be part of your New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, take some of their favorite old toys, put them in a baggie or container with catnip, and hide them for a week or two. Ensure they’re in a place your cat cannot access, like a high cupboard or locked closet. After some time has passed, pull out the old toys and watch your kitty go bonkers! If your cat isn’t enticed by catnip, don’t panic! Other herbs, like silvervine and honeysuckle, have similar effects on cats. Be sure to supervise your cat any time they’re interacting with herbs to ensure a safe and fun experience.

Fluffy cat sits on cat tower while reaching out and pawing at feather cat toy.

Work Hard, Treat Hard

Did you know that many cats can learn simple tricks just like dogs? Sit, lay, high five, and shake are all common tricks to teach a cat. Grab their favorite bag of treats, or even invest in a clicker, and start training them-you’ll be amazed at what they’re capable of! Like dogs, having your cat perform a trick or task for their treat is much better than simply allowing free access to their cravings. Many people also create obstacle courses for their cats to complete or offer treats in a puzzle to stimulate their minds as they “hunt” for their food. If you’re unsure of where to start, check out this video and remember that patience is key! This can be an extremely fun experience for both you and your cat.

Tabby cats give woman's hand high five during training session.

Think Like a Cat

It sounds silly, but sometimes all it takes to excite your cat is to think like a cat! Cats are natural hunters, and they imitate that instinct when they play. During playtime, think to yourself, “How can I make this toy act more like prey?” Slithering a teaser toy slowly on the ground, hiding small toys in corners, or gliding feather toys through the air may be just what your cat needs to activate their hunting instinct. Furthermore, cats hunt, kill, and eat their prey in the wild. So reserving a special treat for your feline friend post-play time helps set them in a natural rhythm and makes them more excited for playtime in the future.

Gray and white kitten lays on cat toy.

With these tips, you can enrich your cat’s life and increase your bond with them. If you want to add a little furry member to your family, you can always view our adoptable cats here.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting… a New Furry Friend!

3 small puppies pose a purple blanket.

Have you ever wondered what the process of adopting from the Humane Society of Utah looks like? Well, we’ve got you covered! In just 5 easy steps, you can bring home a new best friend!

Start out with a meet and greet

Has someone special caught your eye? Step one is to set up a meet and greet through one of our adoption counselors. After going over the available information we have about that animal, they’ll set you up with a meet-and-greet area.

Fill out a quick application

Once you’ve decided that you’d like to take Fluffy or Fido home, you’ll be asked to fill out a short (less than one page) form with some basic information such as your address, phone number, and email. This form can be filled out digitally or with a pen and paper.

Women looks at shelter cat while giving it chin scratches in Kitty City.

Have a chat with an adoption counselor

After our adoptions team has received your application, you’ll sit down with a counselor to go over details about the pet and their history, have any of your questions answered, and sign an adoption contract which essentially says you agree to love and take care of the animal you are bringing home with you. Our adoption staff is equipped with a plethora of resources to help you and your pet’s go as smoothly as possible, from how to handle cat-dog introductions to how to deal with resource guarding.

Inside HSU's adoption lobby facing adoption check out desks.

Pay your adoption fee, receive your new pet’s records, and head home!

Following your chat with one of our adoptions counselors, all that’s left is to pay your pet’s adoption fee, receive any medical records we have on hand (i.e., vaccinations, medications), and a supply of medications to get you through the next few days (if applicable), and get ready to head home! You will be required to take your new pet home either in a pet carrier or on a harness and leash, but if you didn’t bring your own, we have some available for purchase in our onsite store. We are also proud to offer a free exam through our partnered vets in the area, which we encourage all adopters to take advantage of.

After Your Adoption…

Our adoption team will reach out to you via email after one week and after three weeks to check in and make sure all is going well. This offers an opportunity to ask any questions that have come up, request more resources, or send us some cute photos showcasing what your new pet has been up to!

Smiling dog with big blocky heads lays in grass.

So, there you have it! Congratulations on your new furry family member, and thank you so much for choosing adoption first. 

Pebbles, The Itty Bitty Kitten That Could

Pebbles an itty bitty one-eyed calico kitten cuddles a stuffed animal.

Pebbles, an itty bitty kitten weighing less than two pounds, arrived at the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic in the Summer of 2021 with a painfully swollen eye. Her eye was simmering with infection making it completely unusable. Pebbles didn’t have a family to look after her – she was a junkyard kitten who had grown up with a large feral cat colony that lived in a dumping ground littered with broken-down car parts and decaying trash.

Teaming up to help Pebbles

Fortunately for Pebbles, she had been trapped and brought to our clinic by Kris Neal, who volunteers for a local rescue called The Jackson Day Foundation. This rescue took Pebbles in after she had been trapped for our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. TNR involves fixing, vaccinating, and ear-tipping feral and stray cats, then returning them to their territory. TNR is a humane way to control the community cat population and stop the spread of fatal viruses, such as rabies and distemper.

After assessing Pebbles, our veterinarian, Dr. Gray, was deeply concerned. She’d discovered Pebbles had a severe upper respiratory infection that had moved up into her eye and was causing so much pressure that her eye would need to be removed immediately. Dr. Gray explained, “I was concerned because putting animals as small as Pebbles under anesthesia is incredibly risky. Most veterinarians won’t do it because of the risks involved, but Pebbles’ infection was so bad that if it continued to go untreated, it would most likely move into her lungs and other areas of her body, and she would die. So, performing eye removal surgery for her was critical to saving her life.”

Kelsie Watters, HSU’s St. George Clinic Manager, also knew that only a few veterinarian clinics in St. George have the capacity to help out the feral cat population, HSU being one of them. She shared, “For our staff, it doesn’t matter if the animal has a paying owner or is feral and without a home; we treat them all with the highest standard of care possible. Every pet’s health matters to us, even pets like Pebbles, who are not a priority to most.”

The surgery went well, but not without a hitch. Pebbles’ eye had so much built-up pressure that it ruptured as Dr. Gray removed it. But thankfully, Dr. Gray was able to stabilize her, and Pebbles’ recovery went smoothly. She went home with Kris, who looked after her and gave her antibiotics so her little body could heal.

Two kittens are better than one

While at Kris’ home, she found that Pebbles didn’t like touching or cuddling, which is not uncommon for feral cats. But to Kris’ surprise, Pebbles began to bond with another kitten, Daisy. Eventually, the two became buddies. One day, two women named Belinda and Beth came to adopt Daisy, but Kris told them that Pebbles and Daisy were now a bonded pair and that if they wanted one, she’d have to adopt the other.

Kelsie shared, “Belinda and Beth recognized that this was a special pair and decided to adopt both Daisy and Pebbles so they could stay together. Kris periodically sends updates on Pebbles, who has completely transformed in her new home. She now loves being cuddled and sung to by her caring adopter. It’s nice knowing that this junkyard kitten who had suffered so much now has a loving, happy life, thanks to our and Kris’ team. Everyone went the extra mile for Pebbles because we knew we were her last resort, and her transformation is what makes our work worthwhile.”

Over a year later, Kris brought a sweet and affectionate kitten named Polly into HSU’s St. George Clinic, who was in the same situation as Pebbles. She was a tiny feral kitten with a very infected eye who had been trapped for TNR and needed medical care. Dr. Gray performed the same eye removal surgery on Polly, who was up and ready to play again the next day. Kris is caring for Polly and keeping her from being too active while she recovers. When Kris shared Polly’s story with Belinda and Beth, they knew Polly was meant to be in their family, too. Once Polly is healed from surgery, she will join her new sisters, Pebbles, and Daisy, in their home.