More than a Bonded Pair: Bumblebee and Ladybugs’ Story

Bonded pair of persian cats Ladybug and Bumblebee pose in a room in Kitty City.

The Humane Society of Utah is no stranger to aiding with hoarding cases. However, taking in these large groups of pets often presents unique challenges. Hoarding pets are oftentimes undersocialized and display fearful behaviors when interacting with new people. Many times, these pets also have medical concerns that need to be addressed.

When seven Persian cats ended up in HSU’s care due to a recent hoarding case, their physical state was notably worse than is typical. Most of the cats were severely matted, and a few had untreated open wounds. Nearly all the Persians needed moderate to severe dental services. Some had teeth so decayed that most, if not all, of their teeth would need to be extracted.

Various teams at HSU jumped into action to give each of the cats the care they needed. After medical care had been provided, several of the Persians were placed in foster homes to recover before being put up for adoption. Bumblebee and Ladybug were two of these cats.

A Bonded Pair Emerges

Bumblebee and Ladybug were two of the cats in the worst shape out of the seven. Both had undergone severe dental treatments and extractions, with Ladybug needing to have all of her teeth removed. Bumblebee had an open wound on his chin and most of the fur on his back formed a massive mat. The duo was sent to the same foster home for their respective recoveries.

When the time came for Bumblebee and Ladybug to return to HSU and take up residence on the adoption floor, their foster let HSU staff know just how close the two had become during their stay. They said that Bumblebee and Ladybug comforted and leaned on one another and appeared to have a very special relationship. Ladybug and Bumblebee were determined to be a bonded pair.

A bonded pair consists of two animals who have developed a relationship so strong that it would be distressing for them to be separated. Small mammals such as rabbits and guinea pigs most commonly form these types of bonds, but occasionally cats and dogs do as well. HSU honors these relationships by exclusively adopting bonded pairs out to homes where they can go together. This would be the case for Bumblebee and Ladybug.

Persian cat Bumblebee looks through the railing of the stairs in his new home with the other half of his bonded pair, Ladybug.

Finding Forever Together

Bumblebee and Ladybug were in HSU’s care for over a month while they waited to find their new family. A bonded pair to their core, the cats boosted one another’s confidence in Kitty City. They warmed up more to new people each day. HSU’s staff worked hard to spread awareness about the two kitties, and their desire to go home together. Finally, on one fateful August morning, their wait was over.

Nadia and her boyfriend always wanted Persian cats, but they both advocated for rescue and were determined to adopt rather than buy. The couple had a strong understanding of the work and needs associated with the Persian breed. They also had experience owning cats with medical issues. When they came across Bumblebee and Ladybug on HSU’s social media, it felt like fate.

“It was rather spontaneous,” Nadia said. “my boyfriend is the one who says, ‘no,’ and I’m the one who always comes home with kitty surprises. But this time, when I showed him [Bumblebee and Ladybug], without hesitation he said, ‘Let’s go to the Humane Society and meet them!'”

Nadia’s boyfriend did have one condition— he had always wanted to adopt a bonded pair and name them “Guts” and “Gore.” Nadia laughed as she recounted that if her boyfriend was on board with adopting two more cats, she could no longer refuse him the names he loved so much.

Ladybug (now Guts) sits in her favorite chair in her new home with the other half of her bonded pair, Bumblebee (now Gore).

More than a Bonded Pair

It didn’t take long for Guts and Gores’ personalities to shine through in their new home. Nadia describes the joy the pair have brought into her life with a smile. She said she and her boyfriend will look at the Persians, and the Persians will stare back, and they’ll burst into happy laughter. The cats were assigned their respective names as their individuality emerged.

“Ladybug is now Guts. We decided to name her Guts rather than Gore because she’s all GUTS! She’s so adventurous and wanted to skip the 3-day separation period (from other pets). After the first night, she kept wanting to run out of the bathroom to play with the rest of the gang and explore the house! We love that about our Gutsy girl. She’s brave and seems to just want to soak up the sun and enjoy life, which is amazing given what she’s been through. 

That left Bumblebee with the name Gore and it actually suits him! We call him ‘Gore Bore’ because he just loves sitting in his heated bed, not doing anything. He allows the rest of the busy world go by, and he totally deserves the slow life if he wants it! We also call him Gorebee to honor his past self.”

Nadia says she is grateful to have adopted Guts and Gore together and to see their special bond. Guts brings Gore out of his shell, and they’ve both helped Nadia and her boyfriend to “slow down.” She recounts the time period before the bonded pair’s elevated dishes had arrived. She and her boyfriend would sit hold the cat’s bowls while they ate to help them breathe better.

Take the Plunge

When asked what she would say to those considering adoption, Nadia did not hesitate to answer.

“Just do it. You are missing out on so much joy. My boyfriend was always frustrated that I’d bring a new friend home, then they’d always end up liking him more than me, and now he can’t live without them! Definitely make sure your heart is in the right place as you are their everything. They’re all a lot of work, but moments like this morning when they’re all lying in the sun and napping together, and you’re the reason they’re so happy and at peace, is what makes it so worth it. You truly are their everything and it is such an honor to care for these sweet babies.”

All the adoptable pets at the Humane Society of Utah can be viewed at Your purr-fect someone, or maybe even a bonded pair, is just waiting to meet you!

Ladybug and Bumblebee) now Guts and Gore) curled up in their new home together with their new family.

Support for Animals: Your Impact

Puppy getting medical exam

We know that Utah is full of caring individuals who want to help animals in need because we have seen it firsthand! At the Humane Society of Utah, we are fortunate to have a generous community of donors who step up and regularly provide support for vulnerable animals. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we rely solely on funding from individuals, foundations, and businesses to accomplish our lifesaving work. But what does it mean to support HSU? What is the real-life impact of sending that check in the mail or hitting that donate button? Let’s look at some of the amazing ways your support is helping animals in our state!

Low-Cost Veterinary Care

When you support the Humane Society of Utah, you support low-cost veterinary care for pets in our community. We offer spay/neuter services for dogs, cats, and rabbits, as well as comprehensive vaccination packages. And with clinic locations in Murray and St. George, your donations benefit pet guardians in northern and southern Utah! 

Donations from our caring supporters help keep these services affordable. With the cost of veterinary care skyrocketing, this dramatically impacts pet guardianship in our community. We know that people love their animals, and the cost of basic preventative care should not be a barrier to pet health. By donating to the Humane Society of Utah, you are removing that barrier to accessible care. In the first six months of 2024, our Murray and St. George clinics administered 60,898 vaccines and performed 6,231 spay/neuter surgeries. Think of all the animals who have received vital care so far in 2024, thanks to support from generous donors!

Adult dog in exam room

Adoptions & Sheltering

When people think of the Humane Society of Utah, the first thing that comes to mind is often adoption. Sometimes, through changing circumstances, unexpected life events, or unforeseen challenges, companion animals need a new home. HSU offers safe shelter and care for animals as they wait for adoption. Our staff works diligently to set animals up for success and find the best fit. So far in 2024, nearly 4,000 cats, dogs, and small animals found new homes.

But animal adoptions do not exist in a vacuum, which is why donations are important! Animals waiting for adoption must have access to food, water, space, enrichment, and medical care. Animals who have specific medical or behavioral needs require even more resources. But that does not make them less deserving of a good home and a happy life! Regular donations provide for the animals in our care, giving them the time and tools they need to find the right fit. You can help adoptable animals by donating funds, essential supplies, or both! Visit our donation wish list to learn more about donating supplies.

hand petting a black cat

Support for Pet Guardians

 At the Humane Society of Utah, we believe you cannot help animals without helping humans. An animal’s first and most important support system is their loving guardian. We believe keeping a beloved pet with their guardian is the best outcome for both. Thanks to generous donors, that outcome has become a reality for many pets and people in our community! With donor support, we offer low-cost emergency care for pet guardians who find themselves in difficult situations, provide food and supplies to local pet pantries, and enroll pets in our incredibly effective last litter program. In the first half of 2024 alone, support from our donors helped 282 animals stay in their loving homes through emergency assistance. When you donate to the Humane Society of Utah, you help keep families together by providing the care their pets need when they need it most.

We are incredibly grateful to those who support our animals and our programs. This is just a snapshot of the work made possible thanks to your generosity!

August: Make-A-Will Month

Typing at a laptop with small kitten

Did you know that August is national Make-A-Will month? It can be strange to think about as we go through our daily lives, but creating or updating your will is the best way to secure your wishes for the future. With a will or trust, you can make a lasting legacy for the people you love and the causes you care about. And it’s easier than you might think!

Helpful Information

The Humane Society of Utah planned giving page has a wealth of information about bequests and other estate planning options. You can learn about types of bequests, review sample language, and download helpful brochures with more information. If the Humane Society of Utah is already in your estate plans, you can let us know directly through our planned giving page.

That’s right – you can give to your favorite charities through your will, including the Humane Society of Utah. By doing so, you are extending the impact of your generosity and creating a legacy of support for animals that will carry on into the future. Just as we desire the best for our family’s future generations, we also want the best for future generations of animals!

Providing for your favorite cause does not mean you need to forget about your loved ones. You can tailor a will to your needs and your situation. Reference these bequest types to see some examples. You can divide your estate between different individuals or organizations, using the amounts or percentages that work best for you.

Getting Started

Are you ready for next steps, or just want to learn more? Request our free Estate Planning Guide. This will help you take stock of your assets, gather important information, and define your priorities. It can serve as a helpful guide as you draw up your will or speak with your estate planning attorney. 

As pet guardians, we know that planning for our future also means planning for the future of our pets. Enroll in our Pet Legacy program to make a care plan for your pets with the Humane Society of Utah.

Person and cat touching hand to paw

Creating A Legacy

When you make a will, you are securing a legacy for the people and causes you care about. We hope you will let us know if you wish to include the Humane Society of Utah as a beneficiary of any kind. This compassionate decision will help create a bright future for animals in Utah, and we want to honor your incredible commitment. 

Whether we are included in your plans or not, we encourage you to take a moment this August and think about the legacy you want for your loved ones, your community, or anything else that is important to you!

Lending a Community Cat a Helping Paw: Lady’s Story

Community cat Lady lies on a yellow blanket in a cat carrier.

Community cat Lady was in trouble. She had found herself tangled in barbed wire underneath a mobile home in the Southern Utah summer heat. Luckily for the 3-month-old kitten, she was rescued from her dangerous hiding spot and taken to One More Chance, a rescue group dedicated to providing TNR and other lifesaving services to stray cats in the St. George area. Unluckily, her back leg and paw were badly injured from the wire.

A Community Cat’s Uphill Battle

Team members at One More Chance knew they had to seek urgent help for Lady if there were to be any chance of saving her paw. When the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic got the call, we were immediately on board to help Lady.

The sweet community cat arrived onsite at HSU St. George on the morning of 6/13/24. Under anesthesia, HSU’s vets discovered a very infected wound that wrapped entirely around Lady’s leg. Her foot was extremely swollen, and one of Lady’s toes appeared to be necrotic. After removing the decomposing digit and debriding lacerations, the St. George team cleaned and bandaged Lady’s leg.

Although Lady was on the road to recovery, she wasn’t out of the woods just yet. She would have to undergo daily bandage changes until the swelling of her leg was reduced. If the swelling subsided, there was a chance that Lady would only lose her toe. However, if Lady’s leg continued to swell, her entire limb would need to be amputated.

Lady was facing an extra challenge in her recovery as a community cat— she was not used to human interaction. This meant that changing Lady’s bandages and keeping her wound clean could be difficult. However, the rescuers at One More Chance are used to working with skittish felines, and they were up to the challenge!

A green cast is applied to community cat Lady's injured leg

An Unexpected Twist

Lady’s caregivers at One More Chance were dedicated to saving as much of Lady’s leg as possible. However, it was Lady herself who contributed the final puzzle piece to her recovery! Lady turned out to be quite a friendly community cat and was open to help from her human friends. She allowed her daily bandage changes, handling from rescuers, and even enjoyed some cuddles.

By the time Lady returned to HSU’s St. George Clinic on 6/27/24, she was basically a brand new cat! The circumferential wound on her leg had almost entirely healed, and all the swelling had dissipated. In fact, Lady had full function of her hind leg and foot! This meant HSU’s veterinarians were able to save Lady’s leg, sans a single toe. Lady headed back to One More Chance that night, good as new.

However, the best news was yet to come! Because Lady had become so friendly and accustomed to handling during her recovery, she was able to be put up for adoption! A community cat no longer, Lady would be able to find a family to call her very own.

Community cat Lady looks up at the camera with her beautiful golden eyes

We are so grateful to have been a part of Lady’s journey, and her happy ending! To learn more about our St. George clinic and the services we offer, visit today.

Belle’s Story: A Healing Journey

Belle the dog laying on a couch

A dedicated foster with the Humane Society of Utah (kept anonymous for this story) was on her way to pick up a mama dog and her litter of puppies. She had fostered many animals before, including young litters, and she was up to the task. But at the 11th hour, she received a call from the HSU Foster Team. An adult dog named Belle was in bad shape and desperately needed a foster home to recover. We asked our caring foster if she could take Belle instead. She did not hesitate to step in and help this poor dog on her healing journey. At the time, she did not realize how Belle would profoundly impact her life. 

A Dog in Need

Belle came to HSU after an accident left her with a terrible leg injury. In her previous home, she lived as an outdoor dog and got her leg caught in a backyard fence. By the time she was discovered, too much damage was done, and the leg would never heal properly. Amputating the leg was Belle’s only hope for living a pain-free and active life. We took Belle in and immediately prepped her for amputation surgery. 

Belle’s road to recovery would be long and difficult, as her foster guardian soon found out. Her amputation site needed time to heal, but that was not her only problem. Upon further examination, HSU medical staff found foxtails embedded in her skin, causing painful sores. While Belle recovered, her foster guardian had to keep a careful eye on her various injuries. “We gave her daily medications and antibiotics, cleaned her wounds, gave her a comfortable place to rest, and lots of love.” 

Belle the dog in a cone

A Journey to Healing

With time, patience, and proper care, Belle’s physical wounds began to heal. But she still struggled to adjust to her new life and surroundings. Her foster guardian discovered that she suffered from phantom pains associated with her missing limb and adjusting to life on three legs would not happen overnight. But her foster was ready to put in the work. Daily massage and sensory therapy helped to manage the phantom pains. Other minor adjustments also made a world of difference – “We made simple changes around the house to help Belle get around easier and more comfortable. We put slip-proof rugs and yoga mats on all the wood floors and got her a special harness.” Before long, the sweet and loveable tripawd navigated her new world like a pro! 

A New Beginning

Through Belle’s healing journey, her foster family started to see how well she fit into their lives. As she became more confident and comfortable, they saw her personality come through. She was sweet, intelligent, and loveable. She even bonded with their dog, Clementine. Before long, Belle’s foster guardian knew the goofy, loveable dog was not going anywhere; she was home. She decided to adopt Belle permanently. She recalls losing one of her dogs four years ago, “we didn’t think we would ever be able to recover from the loss we felt…until we met Belle. We knew that she was meant to be with us and there was no way we could ever let her go”. 

These days, Belle is living a great life on three legs with her new family. Her foster-turned-adopter explains that she loves everyone and always wants to be around people. “We call her our little ‘BellHop’, because she is eager to please and ‘hoppy’ to escort you from room to room. The only form of payment she will accept is kind words and a pat on the back.” She loves her doggy sister, Clementine, and she loves to be a couch potato. She is unsure what to do with toys yet, but she is figuring it out! And mostly, she just wants love and cuddles. As her new forever family member describes, “We have 2 dogs again and our family feels complete now that Belle is part of it.”

Fireworks Safety: Protect Your Pet This Summer!

Dog with Fireworks decor

The Fourth of July may be over, but with Pioneer Day just around the corner and plenty of warm summer days ahead, we know that the fireworks season is still in full swing! We want everyone to have a fun and safe summer, including your beloved pets. Fireworks season can be a stressful time for many pet guardians. By following some simple fireworks safety tips you can help your furry friends stay safe and comfortable while you enjoy your favorite summer celebrations!

Fireworks Safety Tips

Do you love a good fireworks display? We don’t blame you! Fireworks can be a fun way to celebrate. But your pet may not be so keen. Consider leaving your pets at home when you go to marvel at your favorite fireworks show. And if you hear fireworks nearby, it may be time to bring Fido or Mittens inside. Pets can be startled by the crowds and loud noises and may be tempted to flee or accidentally injure themselves. Indoors is the safest place for your pet when the fireworks start.

  • Give your pet a comfortable space where they can feel secure. This can be a crate filled with their favorite toys and blankets or an inner room away from doors and windows. Make sure they have access to fresh water, and don’t try to coax them out before they are ready!
  • White noise like a fan, air purifier, or soft music may help your pet relax and drown out noise from outside. 
  • If your pet has access to a yard during fireworks season, make sure all fencing is secure and double-check that gates are closed at all times. 
  • In case of escape, make sure your pet has up-to-date ID tags and microchip information. If your pet does escape, contact your local municipal animal shelter as soon as possible. You can also post on online or social media lost and found pages. 
  • Keep your pets away from any leftover fireworks debris as the contents may be harmful.
Heeler dog standing with people

Make Your Celebrations Fun and Safe!

Summer is a time for fireworks, but also a time for social gatherings. We all love a good picnic in the park with friends or a neighborhood block party. These events are supposed to be fun, and with the right precautions you can make sure they are comfortable and low-stress for your pets.

  • Know your pet’s temperament. Fluffy may love socializing with your friends and neighbors at the annual backyard party! But if she doesn’t, there’s no need to force it. Give your pet a comfortable place to hide from the action if they don’t want to interact with your guests. 
  • Keep a careful eye on your pet around the food table, and discard scraps promptly. Many foods that we enjoy can be harmful to our pets. Onions, garlic, grapes, certain peanut butter brands, and chocolate can all be very dangerous. For more information, you can read our blog post on Toxic Items
  • If you bring your pet with you to any social gatherings, talk to the host ahead of time and make sure they will be comfortable and welcome in the space. Ask about any rules, limitations, or other pets who may be attending. When in doubt, it is okay to leave your pet at home and plan something else fun and special just for them! 

We want this summer to be fun and safe for everyone. With a little bit of planning and the right tools, you can make sure your summer celebrations are enjoyable for the whole family – four-legged family members included! 

Spreading Compassion: Kira’s Story

Husky looking up and smiling

At the Humane Society of Utah, we are fortunate to witness many stories of healing, resilience, and transformation. All of these stories are special in their own way, but Kira’s is particularly memorable. This beautiful husky teaches us that compassion has a ripple effect, and often extends beyond the walls of our facility. When Kira needed urgent help, the HSU community rallied around her. Today, not only is Kira healthy and thriving, but she is spreading compassion in her own way, bringing joy to people in her community who need it most.

A Dog In Need

When Kira arrived at HSU in early 2024 she needed urgent medical attention. She had significant damage in both eyes causing terrible discomfort. The scarring in one eye was so severe that it bulged from her face and her vision was limited, if not completely gone. Kira was clearly suffering and we could not let her continue in her condition. Removing both eyes would give Kira the best chance at a life free from pain and discomfort so we scheduled her for surgery. 

Husky after eye surgery

Eye removal surgery is an intense experience and the road to recovery takes time. Kira’s body needed to heal from the extensive procedure. Plus, any vision she might have had was now completely gone. With the help of a dedicated foster volunteer, she adjusted to life without her eyes. Through the whole ordeal Kira never lost her spirit. As she recovered and regained a sense of normalcy, her foster reported that she was sweet, intelligent, and curious. She loved going for walks, she navigated the world around her through smells and sounds, and she even learned to play fetch with the help of some noisy toys! 

As we all watched Kira heal and blossom we became excited for the next chapter of her life. We knew things were looking up for Kira, but at the time we had no idea how her kind and curious spirit would touch the lives of those around her.

Kira’s New Beginning

Lara Edwards was looking for a new addition to the family, and Kira caught her attention immediately. She knew that adopting a blind animal would come with some challenges, but that didn’t deter her. As Lara describes, “I knew she was the one right away.” 

These days, Kira is living a great life in her new home. Lara and her family found that with the right tools it did not take long for Kira to adjust to her surroundings. She quickly became friends with the family cat and formed a special bond with Lara’s daughter. The family is careful to keep her environment consistent so she knows her way around, just like any other dog. Lara tells us, “she has free range of the entire house and loves to nap and relax anywhere she wants”. And of course, the house is filled with her favorite squeaky toys!

Spreading Compassion in the Community

The story of a dog who was suffering and found the help she needed is incredible. If this story ended here, we would already be in awe of Kira’s transformation and the people who supported her along the way. But what makes this story extra special is the love and joy Kira brings to her community since finding her new home. Every week Lara, her daughter, and Kira volunteer their time at a local assisted living facility. The residents light up whenever Kira comes around. She is great at giving kisses, politely asking for pets, posing for photos, or just being a warm presence when someone needs a friend. We know how important it is for people and animals alike to have a sense of community. When someone is struggling or lonely, it means so much to feel connected to another living being. It is amazing to watch Kira and her family spreading compassion and making a difference in the lives of others.

The staff and residents have come to enjoy Kira so much, you might even call her a celebrity! She even has a special poster displayed around the facility, so residents know when they can look forward to a visit from Kira. 

Poster of Kira the Husky

Kira’s story is a perfect example of what happens when animals receive the help and compassion they need to thrive. Choosing a dog with special needs will always come with some unique challenges. But we didn’t just see Kira’s challenges and neither did Lara. We saw a dog with a zest for life and so much love to give. Kira received support and comfort when she needed it most, and now she provides support and comfort to others. If you take a chance on a special needs animal, an older animal, or an animal who has been overlooked, you never know how they might surprise you. As Lara describes, “I am the luckiest person in the world because Kira came into my life.”

June is Adopt a Cat Month! 5 Reasons to Adopt an Adult Cat

Adopting an adult cat is a savvy feline adopter’s best-kept secret. But we’re here to let the cat out of the bag! Here are five reasons why you should consider adopting an adult cat!

1. Clear Purr-sonalities

Kittens are adorable, but you can never be sure just who they’ll grow up to be! Adult cats have more established personalities, meaning oftentimes, what you see is what you get. If you’re looking for a cuddle bug, couch potato cat and find a feline who seems to fit that bill in the shelter, that’s likely who you’re bringing home!

2. There’s More “Claw and Order” when you Adopt an Adult Cat

Adult cats often already have much of their training out of the way. This means you’re less likely to have to worry about litter box training, your new furry friend using a scratching post instead of the furniture, or other common kitty conundrums when adopting an adult cat.

3. There’s Less Mystery to their Hiss-tory

Many times, when you’re adopting an adult cat from the shelter, especially if the kitty is an owner surrender, the staff can tell you a bit about their history. You can ask if the kitty has lived successfully in the past with other cats, dogs, or kids to gauge how they may fit in your home. You can also learn about your furry friend’s interests and behavior in their previous home.

4. Adopt an Adult Cat and You’ll be “Feline” Relaxed

Kittens love to go, go, go! When adopting an adult cat, you can expect more time to put your paws up and relax. Adult cats still need enrichment and entertainment, but they are often far more independent than their younger counterparts. Just want to curl up and watch some Netflix after a long day on the job? An adult cat is the one for you!

5. Change a Life… or Nine Lives!

When adopting an adult cat from the shelter, you open up space for another kitty to take their place on the adoption floor! That means you aren’t just saving one life, or even your cat’s nine lives, but many, many more! Not sure where to start? Check out all our adoptable cats here!

Have you been purr-suaded? Don’t let Adopt a Cat Month pass you by! Add a feline friend to your household today at the Humane Society of Utah!

Dangers of Foxtail Grass – Protecting Your Pets from Hidden Hazards

Summer brings sunshine and outdoor adventures for pets, but also hidden dangers of foxtail grass. This common weed’s barbed seed awns can burrow into fur and skin, causing severe health problems.

Understanding Foxtail Grass

Foxtail grass has a bushy, spike-like seed head that resembles a fox’s tail. The grass awns, designed to burrow and plant seeds, can also burrow into a pet’s skin, causing pain and infections.

The Dangers of Foxtail Grass

Unlike typical grass blades, foxtail awns are barbed and don’t dissolve. They can penetrate a pet’s skin, eyes, ears, nose, or other openings. The barbs prevent them from backing out, allowing them to move deeper and cause serious injuries and infections. Left untreated, they can even reach internal organs and become fatal.

Symptoms of Foxtail Embedding

Be aware of signs your pet might have a foxtail awn embedded:

  • Persistent licking or biting at a specific area, especially paws.
  • Swelling, redness, or limping.
  • Sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge (if inhaled).
  • Head shaking or ear scratching.
Collage image of three. One image is a dog's leg x-ray showing embedded foxtail. Another image is a picture of a dog's paw with swollen toes showing where the foxtail is embedded into skin. Third picture is of foxtails seeds.

Preventing Foxtail Grass Problems

The best defense is avoidance. Here’s how to protect your pet:

  • Yard: Remove all grasses with barbed seeds.
  • Leash walks: Keep your dog leashed in areas with potential foxtail grass, avoiding fields, overgrown paths, and tall, dry grass.
  • Regular inspections: After walks, thoroughly check your pet’s paws, ears, and between toes.
  • Grooming: Regularly groom and trim fur, especially around the feet, to prevent foxtails from attaching.
  • Protective gear: Consider dog booties or body suits for frequent walks in foxtail grass areas.
Beware of Foxtails safety tips infographics by Red and Howling.

If Your Pet is Affected

If you suspect a foxtail awn embedment, seek veterinary care immediately. Depending on the location, removal often requires sedation or surgery. Early intervention is crucial for a quick recovery and to prevent complications.

ES(A+): Nimbus’s Story

Nimbus sat in his kennel, watching adopters walk past him. He tilted his head, wagged his tail, and gave his best puppy dog eyes. Someone had to take notice of the 8-month-old husky pup, eventually, right?

Nimbus had been adopted and returned once due to no fault of his own. Although Humane Society of Utah staff members work hard to create a comfortable environment for the pets in our care, returning to the shelter can be difficult. He was beginning to demonstrate some stress-related behaviors as the shelter weighed on his mental health.

Little did Nimbus know, his soon-to-be family had been keeping an eye out for him for quite some time. He wouldn’t have to wait much longer to go home.

“We wanted a husky in our household,” Jasmyne said. “We had been watching Nimbus for a while, and decided to adopt him for our son’s birthday.”

So, Nimbus finally went home! But just like his human family surprised Nimbus with his adoption, he also had a little something up his sleeve. Nimbus would go on to fill a very special role within his new family.

Becoming an ESA

Jasmyne has a young son with Autism, and he suffers from night terrors. Nimbus was always meant to be a companion for his young friend, but no one could have predicted that he would turn out to be an ESA, or Emotional Support Animal, as well!

“Nimbus has been a breath of fresh air for our son,” Jasmyne said. “He is always by his side. If he is having night terrors, Nimbus immediately jumps on his bed, laying with him to comfort him.  We’re in the process of making him an ESA.”

It is important to remember that ESAs are not service animals, as they have not undergone specialized training to perform tasks for their guardian’s health. However, medical professionals prescribe ESAs to provide companionship and/or mitigate anxiety and other mental health issues. ESAs play a special role in their human companion’s life; not just any pet can fill it!

Helping out his Puppy Pals

The humans in Nimbus’s household are not the only ones who benefit from Nimbus’s presence! He now has two doggie siblings who Nimbus loves to play with.

“We have a very chunky blue heeler and a corgi red heeler mix,” Jasmyne shared. “The blue heeler loves to go out and play with Nimbus in the yard and chase him. It’s so good for her health to exercise out there with him!”

Jasmyne’s other pup wasn’t as sure about Nimbus in the beginning, but they are slowly but surely becoming friends. Jasmyne describes Hank as “loving Nimbus in his own way.”

Nimbus shows his enthusiasm in a unique way— he likes to sit on the other dogs in his household to get them to play! Jasmyne says he constantly wants to play with anyone who will entertain him, but he is very gentle about this, especially when it comes to kids and the elderly.

Happily Ever After

So it would seem that Nimbus is living his best life, full of pup cups, freeze-dried chicken, and car rides! His new family notes that he is quiet for a husky, and he doesn’t talk or howl much. Instead, Nimbus expresses himself through his cuddle bug personality and attachment to his humans. Jasmyne describes him as an amazing fit for her family.

“He is such a good boy, and we wouldn’t want to change anything about him!” She concluded.