Plato’s Story: A Cat’s Transformation

Three photos of an orange cat

There is nothing more heartwarming than an animal’s story of transformation. And Plato’s story is one of our favorites. Plato was one of 14 cats surrendered to the Humane Society of Utah. His guardian cared about him, but it was unsustainable to provide for so many pets at once, and Plato ended up in the care of HSU. As often happens when a large number of animals are living in close quarters, Plato and his companions arrived at our facility very shut down, under-socialized, and wary of unfamiliar people or animals. We knew it would take a lot of work and patience before Plato became comfortable enough to even meet a potential adopter. But we didn’t see a lost cause; we saw a cat who needed extra support and deserved a second chance.

An Early Struggle

Plato spent his first few weeks at HSU completely petrified. He did not come down from his cat tower or allow staff and volunteers to approach him. It is perfectly normal for some cats to be shy, but this was extreme. We tried coaxing him with treats, food, cat toys, you name it. Nothing was working. It became apparent that Plato needed a change of scenery, or his condition would continue to deteriorate.

We reached out to our amazing foster network to find a temporary home where Plato could decompress. Laura Miller has been a foster with HSU for years, and she is experienced in fostering cats with a number of special needs. She graciously stepped in to see if she could work her magic on Plato. 

A Transformation Journey

With Plato settled in her home, Laura began the long and patient process of bringing him out of his shell. Everything happened in baby steps. As Laura explains, “he was not aggressive, just very shy.” He spent the whole first week on a shelf away from people or in his crate. “After about a week, I was able to reach into the crate and pet his head.” As the days passed, Plato continued to hit new milestones until he finally started approaching Laura on his own and asking for pets. But he still struggled to interact with anyone besides Laura. We worried that he might not warm up to potential adopters. But we didn’t stop trying. We all crossed our fingers and hoped the right fit would come along.

Orange cat in a crate

In March 2024, Laura received the number of a woman named Emily Shelton, who had expressed interest in Plato. Emily was a self-proclaimed dog lover, but something about this sweet-looking orange cat with the name of a Greek philosopher caught her eye. With cautious optimism, Laura gave Emily a call and set up a meeting. Although Plato was nervous and kept his distance during their first meeting, Emily felt an immediate connection. She knew that she was meeting her cat. She left Laura’s house that day and came to HSU to finalize his adoption. 

Plato’s New Groove

Cut to today, and Plato is a whole new animal. From the cat who would not come down off the shelf, Plato has transformed into a talkative, affectionate, and goofy companion. He loves to cuddle with Emily and happily asks for head scratches and belly rubs. Emily tells us, “I’ve absolutely fallen in love with him. He never fails to make me laugh and smile.” But this transformation story did not happen overnight. Emily approached Plato with patience and empathy when she first brought him home. As she describes, “I wanted to be able to hold him and play with him right away, but I had to try and imagine how afraid and confused he was.”

Emily’s patience paid off, and now she has a best friend in Plato. She still shares pictures of Plato with Laura, the amazing foster who brought them together. Laura tells us, “so very happy they found each other; definitely one of the top 2 foster stories in my 15 years of fostering close to 500 cats and kittens. Fills my heart.”

Orange cat laying on a couch

This story is a testament to the difference we can make in the lives of animals when we are willing to put in the work. Plato was lucky enough to have in his corner a caring group of staff and volunteers, a dedicated foster, and an adopter who was the right person at the right time. But Plato’s story does not have to be unique! When you adopt, volunteer, donate, or even share animal stories on social media, you are contributing to saving more lives like Plato’s!

Bark At The Moon: Pet Party for a Cause

Golden retriever in the splash pad

Do you want to party with your pup, while supporting homeless animals in Utah? Look no further than Bark at the Moon, the best dog party in town! Presented by Fetch Pet Insurance, this pup-friendly festival returns to the Gateway on May 18th. Attendees can expect an evening of great food, local vendors, and entertainment for dogs and humans! But what makes this event truly special? All proceeds (including your ticket purchase!) directly support the Humane Society of Utah’s animals and lifesaving programs. Have a fun evening with your dog, and know that you are supporting animals in your community!

Old Favorites and New Activities

Bark at the Moon regulars will recognize some of their familiar favorites including: our local vendor alley full of pup-friendly treats and trinkets, delicious food truck fare, live music by Cry Wolf, and of course, our evening glow-walk! But this year, we are excited to add some fun new elements as well. Visitors and their dogs can participate in enrichment activities, interactive art stations, and a doggy sensory walk! Our behavior staff will be onsite to answer your questions about training and enrichment as you try these fun activities with your pup. But the fun doesn’t stop there – be sure to participate in our opportunity drawing for the chance to win exciting prizes! 

Representatives from the Humane Society of Utah will be at Bark at the Moon to discuss our various programs and services. As you enjoy your evening, you can learn about our community clinic services, pet adoptions, and stellar education programs. The Humane Society of Utah has so much to offer, not only for homeless pets, but also for pet guardians in the community. Who knows? Maybe our programs have something great to offer for you, your pet, or someone important in your life!

Brown and white dog at Bark at the Moon glow-walk

Tickets Will Go Quickly: Get Yours Today!

If this sounds like a howling good time, get your tickets now! Bark at the Moon sold out in 2023, and we are expecting another great turnout this year. Don’t miss out on the fun and festivity! Every ticket purchased directly benefits the Humane Society of Utah’s lifesaving programs, giving homeless pets in our community a second chance. By joining Bark at the Moon, you’re not just treating your dog to a fun night out; you are making a real difference!

Kitten Season is Here! What to do if you Find Stray Kittens

As the weather gets warmer, an influx of stray cats give birth, marking the beginning of Kitten Season. Kitten Season is arriving early this year, prompted by a milder winter. This led to an uptick in phone calls from concerned citizens about stray kittens and cats they have found.

“Kitten season brings an influx of kittens into our community, but discovering a litter does not necessarily mean they are in distress,” said Juli Ulvestad, Pet Resource Director at the Humane Society of Utah. Ulvestad emphasized the importance of understanding the needs of these young felines, stating, “In the first few weeks of life, kittens’ best chance of survival is with their mother.”

You’ve Found Stray Kittens. Now What?

HSU advises the public to leave stray kittens where they are found in most cases. We know this advice can be difficult to heed after so many years of hearing that kittens should be brought to the shelter. However, data shows that kittens have a much better chance of survival if left where their mother cat can care for them. Even kittens who appear unattended likely have a mother cat looking out for them. Should her kittens go missing, the mother will be distressed.

There are a few cases in which leaving stray kittens may not be the best course of action. If the kittens are cold, malnourished, overly dirty, or appear sickly and you haven’t seen a mother cat return within a few hours of finding them, HSU suggests either fostering or contacting your local animal services. Should you feel equipped to care for and bottle-feed the kittens until they are old enough to be spayed or neutered, fostering may be a good option. If not, your animal services department will help you determine the next best steps for the kittens.

What About Adult Cats?

In the case that you are finding stray adult cats, HSU suggests a Trap Neuter Return program. TNR programs humanely trap cats and bring them to a shelter to be spayed or neutered. Next, the cats are then returned to the area where they were found. HSU offers humane trap rental and a TNR program for stray cats, learn more and sign up at

Fostering Animals: An Act of Compassion

Bon Bon the black and white puppy on a car ride

It truly takes a village to support the most vulnerable animals in our community. Between donors, volunteers, staff members, and community partners, so many people contribute to our mission in different ways. At the Humane Society of Utah, we are grateful that our village includes an amazing network of foster volunteers who repeatedly provide lifesaving care. Fostering is a crucial step on the road to recovery and adoption for many of our animals. Although it is hard work, our foster volunteers find that the process is also rewarding and full of joy.

The Importance of Fostering Animals

When animals need extensive care a home environment is often the best option. But where does that leave animals still waiting for a permanent home? That is where our amazing foster volunteers come in! Fosters open up their hearts and homes so animals have a space to recover or recuperate. No two animals are the same, so our dynamic foster volunteers provide a wide range of care and support. This might include aftercare for surgery patients, bottle feeding for newborn puppies or kittens, or creating a calm space for an animal to decompress. We are constantly impressed by the level of care and commitment that we see from our fosters. 

Dedicated foster Liz Fonua recalls her experience with Ethel, a sweet young puppy with a severe heart murmur. Ethel needed round-the-clock attention as she recovered from surgery. Liz even counted her breaths per minute to make sure everything functioned properly. As Liz remembers, “she would just sleep on your chest and it was like she just listened to your breaths and heart beat.” Thanks to Liz’s attentive care, Ethel fully recovered and found a loving home!

Ethel the puppy recovers from surgery

Tom Anderson fostered cats in San Francisco before moving to Utah, so he knew about the hard work and joys of fostering animals. He generously stepped in as a foster for cats with Calicivirus. As Tom explains, “I think my experience fostering the Calici cats is a perfect example of why foster programs are so important. This highly contagious virus is unwelcome in shelters so getting those cats out of the population is important during their recovery.” We couldn’t agree more with Tom’s assessment. Foster volunteers allow us to care for animals in ways that would be difficult or impossible without a foster option. Fostering also opens up space within our facility so even more animals can find a home. Foster volunteers are vital to our mission and we are grateful for them every day!

A Meaningful Experience

Anyone who fosters an animal knows the process can be difficult and emotional. However, it is often a fulfilling and joyous experience as well. Janet Clark explains that her favorite part of fostering is “seeing the dogs relax and discovering their personalities – smart, silly, stubborn, goofy, whatever.” She recalls a poodle who was very quiet and shut down when she first arrived. However, she came out of her shell one morning upon discovering snow! As Janet describes, “she started bouncing around and playing in it like a maniac! It was so great to see a different side of her like that”. We hear many stories like this from our foster volunteers, who see these animals truly blossom as they recover and find comfort in their temporary homes. Nothing is more rewarding than watching an animal come out of their shell and show their true personality. 

It is always bittersweet to say goodbye to a beloved foster animal. Our foster volunteers form a real bond with these pets. As Liz describes, “each dog is a forever part of our family.” Many foster volunteers even keep albums or photo displays of the animals they have cared for. But when it is time to say goodbye, they know they are setting these animals on the path to a loving and permanent home. 

If you want to support animals in your community, fostering is a great place to start! If you have the time, space, and capacity to open your home to an animal, we encourage you to look at our foster page. You may be surprised by the lessons you can learn from these animals, the bonds you can form, and the memories you will always cherish.

“Spring” into Prevention! Warm-Weather Safety for Dogs

Ahhh, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and you’re ready to return to the great outdoors with your pup at your side. But how do you ensure that your number-one companion stays safe and healthy as you venture back into the beautiful nature that Utah has to offer? Follow these tips and tricks to prepare for warm-weather adventures with your dog!

Up-to-Date? Vaccinate!

As the frost begins to thaw, so do many nasty illnesses that call the soil home. This combined with heavier foot traffic outdoors makes having up-to-date vaccinations more crucial than ever. Cases of Leptospirosis and Lyme disease in particular increase in the warmer months, but don’t fear! Our Murray clinic has an “Adventure Dog” vaccination package for this exact purpose.

Watch for Water Wellbeing

We know how tempting it is to dust off the old life jackets and get right back into water activities as soon as temperatures warm. However, Utahns must remember that spring snowmelt causes lakes, rivers, and streams to rise. Be extra cautious of even lazy-looking waterways, as they are likely faster and higher than they appear.

Check the ‘Chip

More trips to the great outdoors mean more chances for your dog to wander off and potentially get lost. Studies show that lost pets who have microchips with accurate information are more than 50% more likely to be reunited with their two-legged family members. Don’t have a microchip? Stop by our Murray clinic to snag one!

Thorns Among the Roses

Among all the beautiful foliage that blooms in the spring, there are bound to be a few weeds. Unfortunately, a few of these fauna are doggo-dangerous. Foxtails and burrs are just a couple of the harmful plants that dictate some extra warm-weather safety protocols. Be sure to thoroughly examine your pup following outings and remove seedlings from their paws, fur, noses, and other extremities.

Keep their Heart Healthy

Unfortunately, many creepy crawlies like to enjoy the warmer weather, too! Pest-related ailments become more common as spring rolls around, including issues with fleas, ticks, and worms. Increase your pet’s defenses against parasites with heartworm medication! Our Murray clinic is proud to offer monthly tablets to help boost your pup’s warm-weather safety.

Spring into prevention! Find more information about all the spring safety services our Murray clinic offers at

From the Puppy Mill to the Real Deal: Batman’s Story

The Nebraska transfer van finally pulled into the Humane Society of Utah’s parking lot on January 26th, 2024 at 1:30 PM. After delays due to poor weather, mechanical issues, and even a breakdown on the road, the highly anticipated arrival of nearly 50 dogs rescued from one of The Humane Society of United States’ “Horrible Hundred” puppy mills, had come.

Various rescues from around the state gathered to pick up portions of the fleet. HSU took in nine dogs, consisting of four corgis, two german shorthaired pointers, and three labs. One of the corgis was a 6-year-old male with intensely blue eyes and a spirit that could not be broken.

An Uphill Climb Ahead

Despite spending his life thus far as a breeding male, likely primarily in a small kennel and with little to no access to humans or dogs outside of breeding scenarios, Batman showed a certain bravery and determination soon after arriving at HSU. That’s how he got his name— HSU staff decided that surviving all he had endured surely made Batman a hero. So, he and his fellow corgis became HSU’s very own Justice League.

Although they were now safe from the horrors of the mill, Batman and his fellow puppy mill dogs did not have an easy road ahead of them. They had likely never walked on a leash, had access to the outdoors, or had anyone to love and care for them outside of the bare minimum. Even with Batman being the most courageous of the group, he was still apprehensive about interacting with staff and the wide world around him. Walks were a challenge, and often he preferred to stay in his kennel entirely. 

Still, HSU team members were persistent. With spray cheese, encouragement, and a whole lot of love and care, the staff watched in awe as Batman and the other puppy mill dogs made great strides. They became more confident, curious, and open to the possibility that life had so much more to offer than they had experienced. Soon, it was time for them to hit the adoption floor.

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

HSU wanted to be clear and transparent with adopters that the puppy mill rescues had been through incredible trauma. These pups would have some unique challenges adjusting to their new homes. One interested adopter, Aryn, was prepared for just that. After seeing a post from HSU on social media, Batman caught her eye.

“I’ve always known I wanted to get a puppy mill dog or dog with a traumatic past, and I finally was in a place [where] I felt I could give one everything,” Aryn said. “The day we got him, there was a lot of emotion. Excited to have him, heartbroken for his past, and a bit intimidated. My fiance and I always wanted a dog, but as soon as we saw Batman, I had to have him.”

After heavy counseling. Aryn and her fiance met Batman. They instantly knew he was the perfect fit for their family. Aryn describes Batman as “exactly what we needed.” They took him home that very day.

From Puppy Mill to Real Deal

Today, Batman is happy in his new home. Aryn said that she and the rest of Batman’s family have been careful to go at his pace. They dial things back if he seems unsure or scared. Batman is a very spoiled dog now, and he means everything to his new family.

“Our favorite thing is his bigger-than-life personality,” Aryn said. “He is so energetic and playful, he loves to chase and be chased, and he is also so cuddly. Batman demands to sleep in our bed and loves to follow me around. He is the sweetest and most funny dog.”

So, Batman and his fellow puppy mill rescues beat the odds, and they are now living the lives they deserve. We want to give great amounts of thanks to HSU’s community, who shared posts on social media, made donations, and took a chance on these sweet pups who had been through the unimaginable. It is with your support that we are able to make stories like this one possible.

Wissy’s Story: A Dog’s Health Journey

Small dog health check-up

There is nothing scarier than watching a beloved pet endure a medical emergency. All you want to do is help your pet, but it is difficult to know where you can turn in a crisis. That is where the Humane Society of Utah’s St. George Clinic came in when Wissy the small dog needed urgent health care. We never want to see an animal suffer, and we never want to see a family lose their pet because medical care is not available. We are honored to provide a service in the St. George community so animals like Wissy can get the care they need. 

Wissy the chihuahua at the clinic

A Small Dog’s Big Health Scare

Sweet senior Chihuahua Wissy was in bad shape when she arrived at HSU’s St. George Clinic in December 2023. She suffered from a protrusion in her groin that was painful and inflamed. Desperate for assistance, her guardian contacted Susan Barrett with Angel Network. Susan runs a rescue group and helps connect Southern Utah pet guardians with animal resources. When she visited Wissy, Susan saw a sweet, incredibly loved, and cherished senior dog. She also noticed that Wissy needed immediate medical attention for her injury. Wissy’s guardian was tearful as she pleaded with Susan for assistance to save her beloved dog. 

Susan brought Wissy to our clinic in St. George. Although we are not a full-service clinic, we do our best to provide care when a pet guardian needs extra assistance. Our goal is to keep animals with their families who love and care for them whenever we can. We know that most people love their pets and just want the best for them. But with inflation and medical costs increasing, more and more pet guardians struggle to afford emergency procedures like this one. When we can help relieve that financial burden and keep a pet in their loving home, nothing is more rewarding! In Wissy’s case, we performed the mass removal, blood work, dental work & spay surgery for a minimal cost, which Angel Network covered.

Wissy’s Road to Recovery

Our St. George Clinic staff wasted no time getting Wissy into surgery to save her life. With older animals like Wissy, there is always a greater risk of complications. However, our experienced veterinary staff performed a successful surgery and guided the sweet old girl through her recovery. Susan and the clinic staff were thrilled to watch Wissy bounce back splendidly! She arrived at the clinic sick and in pain. By the time she left, she was practically prancing back to her loving guardian. 

Susan is pleased to report that she has since followed up with Wissy’s family, and the small dog is in great health! Her recovery went smoothly, and she is back to her happy self. Stories like this remind us of the important service we provide for pet guardians throughout the state of Utah. Without the intervention of Angel Network and our St. George Clinic, Wissy’s story might have ended very differently. When we can save an animal’s life and send them back to a family who loves them, we know we are making a difference for both the animals and the humans in our community. 

Stories like this are possible thanks to our skilled clinic staff and our rescue partners in the community, like Angel Network. And of course, all of our lifesaving programs are possible because of community support and individual donors. We can’t thank our supporters enough for choosing to save lives every day!

Day of Giving 2024 – Let’s Get Creative!

Human hand holding a cat paw

Day of Giving is just around the corner at the Humane Society of Utah. On Wednesday, March 20th, we are counting on our community to come together and support lifesaving medical care, food, shelter, and resources for Utah’s most vulnerable animals. This is a challenging time for shelters across the nation, with the cost of care skyrocketing and limited resources for pet guardians and homeless animals. That is why we want to make this the best Day of Giving yet! Thanks to an anonymous longtime donor, all Day of Giving contributions will be matched up to $25,000. Your donation will go twice as far and help twice as many animals on March 20th!

Since we are getting into the spirit of giving, let’s talk about some of the ways you can support animals at the Humane Society of Utah. You are always welcome to visit our donation page and make a quick contribution. No amount is too small, and everything helps! But what are some other creative ways to give?

Give Year-Round With a Monthly Donation

Set up a monthly donation through our website to make your contributions impactful and effortless. Your designated amount will come to HSU automatically each month, so you don’t even have to think about it! With monthly giving, even small amounts add up over time to make a big impact. It is a win-win for you and the animals who depend on your support!

Host Your Own Fundraiser

Whoever said supporting your favorite cause can’t be fun?! Get together with friends, coworkers, or club members and put together your own fundraiser for HSU. There are many creative ideas for giving to charity. You can host a donation drive, sell homemade pet toys or treats, or come up with an exciting competition at your work to raise funds. And if you need materials or support from HSU, fill out the fundraising event application on our website. 

In-person fundraisers may not be your thing. That’s okay! Starting a Facebook fundraiser is easy and effective. Visit our Facebook page and click ‘Raise Money’ to get started.

Humane Society of Utah fundraising table

Shop Creative Designs For a Good Cause

Are you looking for some unique wardrobe items or decorative styles? Why not treat yourself to creative designs, while supporting animals in your community?! Proceeds from our online store go directly back to HSU’s lifesaving programs and the animals in our care. You can find styles for just about anyone! Whether you are shopping for yourself or getting a gift for your favorite animal lover.

Ways to Give For the Future

Do you want to provide long-lasting support for the Humane Society of Utah? Visit our planned giving page to learn how charitable giving can fit into your financial plans. Maybe a gift of stock makes sense for you. Perhaps you want to make a donation from your IRA rather than your checking account. Or maybe you even want to include the Humane Society of Utah in your will. With planned giving you can leave a lasting legacy of compassion and support, while receiving tax benefits for yourself and your loved ones.

Volunteer assisting a cat

Other Ways to Support

We are always grateful for monetary donations at the Humane Society of Utah. A donation of $5 can help cover toys, treats, blankets, or other important supplies for our animals. And if everyone who reads this gives $5, think of how much that would add up! But perhaps a gift of money is not possible at this time. Or maybe you are interested in other creative ways of giving. There are other fantastic ways to support the Humane Society of Utah!  

  • Give the gift of your time and compassion by volunteering or fostering our most vulnerable animals.
  • Give the gift of supplies or pet items. Check out our donation wish list for more information.
  • Give the gift of your voice! Encourage others to adopt, donate, or volunteer. You can talk to your friends directly about our programs or just share our posts on social media. Just one click, and you can help get the word out!

Remember to mark your calendars for March 20th, and join the movement for Day of Giving 2024! However you choose to give, know that your support will help an animal find a home, receive medical attention, or get the resources needed to remain with their loving guardian. With your help, we can make this the best Day of Giving ever!

Protect Your Pets: Pet Poison Prevention Month

March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month, a time to spotlight the importance of safeguarding our pets from the unseen dangers lurking in our homes. Pets, with their curious natures, often stumble upon items that, while harmless to humans, can pose severe threats to their health. The key to pet poison prevention lies in awareness and proactive measures. Simple steps, such as storing hazardous substances out of reach, can significantly reduce the risk of pet poisoning.

Household Hazards to Watch Out For

Sweet Danger: Xylitol

Found in many sugarless gums​, candies,​ and toothpaste, xylitol is a common culprit in pet poisonings, especially in dogs. A small amount can be dangerous. Symptoms like vomiting, weakness, and seizures are red flags for xylitol poisoning.

Infographic by the ASPCA for Pet Poison Prevention Month. The many hiding places of Xylitol. Medications, Dental Health Products, Food, personal Care Items.

Medication Mishaps

Medicines that heal humans can harm pets. NSAIDs, acetaminophen, and antidepressants are particularly hazardous, leading to a range of issues, from stomach ulcers and kidney failure to severe neurological problems. Keeping medications out of reach can prevent accidental ingestions.

Floral Foes

The arrival of spring brings blooms that, while beautiful, can be deadly to pets. Lilies, for instance, are highly toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure with minimal exposure. Dogs aren’t immune to the dangers of spring bulbs either, with tulips and daffodils causing severe gastrointestinal distress.

nfographic by the ASPCA for Pet Poison Prevention Month. Identifing Poisonous Lilies for cats.

Chocolate: A Bitter Risk

Chocolate is a well-known hazard for pets, particularly dogs. The toxicity level increases with the darkness of the chocolate, with baker’s and dark chocolate being the most dangerous. The symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and even heart failure.

Garden Products: Hidden Dangers

Fertilizers may keep our gardens lush but can be deadly to our four-legged friends. Some contain harmful chemicals that can lead to drooling, seizures, and even death if ingested. Similarly, pest control products that eliminate rodents or snails can be fatal to pets, causing severe health issues without prompt veterinary care.

Prevention and Preparedness

By taking these precautions and educating others about the risks, we can make our homes safer for our beloved pets. Remember, a little effort in pet-proofing can go a long way in preventing emergencies and ensuring our pets lead happy, healthy lives. Let’s use this opportunity to spread awareness and take action to protect our furry family members from these preventable hazards.

If you suspect your pet has gotten into something toxic, please contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center or your emergency veterinarian.

Priceless Patients: Supporting Cat Health

Black and white cat laying down

Odin is a large cat with an even larger personality. The Humane Society of Utah (HSU) staff and volunteers describe him as “the sweetest, most loveable kitty who adores having his ears and chin rubbed.” He is playful, good with kids, and will say hello to just about anyone. You will notice all of this if you visit with Odin. You may not notice that Odin needs a special diet to treat urinary crystals. He is one of many cats who come to HSU yearly with special dietary needs or other health challenges.

Thanks to a generous gift from our friends, Doctors Laurel & David Fedor, we are thrilled to announce our ‘Priceless Patients’ special through March 31st. This contribution from the Fedors will help cover adoption fees and medical care for some of our cats who need extra help but still deserve loving homes!

Odin the cat receiving a health assessment

Let’s Talk About Cat Health

At the Humane Society of Utah, we understand that, much like humans, animals can face various health challenges. Some temporary ailments will go away with the proper medication or procedure. Other long-term conditions will always be a part of the animal’s life in one form or another. Some of our favorite adoptable cats have chronic conditions requiring a special diet or ongoing treatment. But often we find that, like Odin, these cats are also sweet, goofy, and lovable!

When looking for a new companion, seeing a medical condition on a cat’s profile can be scary. Questions might go through your head like: “will this animal have a shorter lifespan?”, “will this animal always be sick or uncomfortable?”, or even “how much will this cost?” These concerns are all valid and understandable! We want all the animals in our lives to be happy, healthy, and comfortable. However, many cats with chronic conditions are excellent companions who lead comfortable and fulfilling lives with the proper treatment. Sometimes, a special diet is all that is needed to keep symptoms under control. Other cats may need regular medication or additional visits to the vet. Our counselors are prepared to discuss any health needs or ongoing treatment. We want to address potential concerns so adopters can make an informed decision.

A Generous Gift For Our Priceless Patients

In times of need, we all appreciate a helping hand, and our animals are no exception! We are so fortunate to have caring donors who continually make it possible to provide for our animals. Esteemed donors, Doctors Laurel & David Fedor, wanted to do something meaningful for the cats at HSU. Laurel & David are longtime supporters and avid cat lovers themselves! Over the years, some of their own beloved cats struggled with health conditions. As Laurel describes, “The extra care and attention these cats need has actually increased my bond with them, making them even more special to me.” She hopes that other adopters will consider animals with special health needs so they can “experience the unconditional love and joy of caring for these special furry friends.”

Doctors Laurel & David Fedor at the Humane Society of Utah Gala

In December 2023, the Fedors made a generous donation of $10,000 designated for the medical care and adoption fees of our ‘Priceless Patients’. With their background in medicine, it is fitting that they chose to support the medical needs of our animals! This contribution has a profound impact on the lives of our cats. Diagnosis and treatment can cost hundreds of dollars for each cat. By funding these expenses, the Fedors make it possible for homeless cats to remain healthy and find homes faster. Adopters can look for the ‘Priceless Patient’ kennel cards to find adoptable cats with fees covered by this generous contribution. 

Our goal is to remove as many barriers to adoption as possible so we can connect animals with loving families who want to give them homes. At HSU, we perform the bloodwork, diagnosis, and treatment for cats showing any sign of illness while in our care, so those expenses are not passed on to the adopter. Thanks to the Fedors’ generous donation, we can provide medical services for even more cats who will end up in loving homes as a result! Cats like Odin, who finally found a home after 3 months of waiting!