Big Red’s Story: A Feral Cat’s Unexpected Transformation

Big Red is an unusual cat with a remarkable story. Not only is he the largest feral cat to come to the Humane Society of Utah’s clinic in St. George, but he’s also the oldest at four years old.  Typically, feral cats are much slimmer and considered lucky if they live to five due to the spread of fatal diseases. The feral cats treated at our St. George clinic are typically aged one-three. 

But Big Red’s surprising story doesn’t stop here. He was initially brought to HSU in the Spring of 2021 by Kris Neal, a woman who runs a local rescue called One More Chance. This rescue traps stray and feral cats and brings them to HSU to receive services through our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. TNR involves fixing, vaccinating, and ear-tipping feral and stray cats, then returning them to their territory. TNR is a humane way to control the community cat population and stop the spread of rabies and fatal viruses, such as distemper. 

Kris Neal was worried when she brought Big Red to HSU because he looked unwell, and she thought he might need to be euthanized. “He was badly beaten up and had horribly crusty and goopy eyes,” explains Kelsie Watters, manager of our St. George Clinic. 

Currently, our St. George clinic only provides spay, neuter, and vaccination services for the community. But after our veterinarian, Dr. Gray diagnosed Big Red with entropion, she decided to conduct entropion repair surgery since he had few resources as a feral cat.  Entropion is a condition in which your eyelid turns inward so that your eyelashes and skin rub against the eye surface, causing great irritation and discomfort. Through the surgery, the inward part of the eye is removed so the lid can lay flat. 

While at our clinic awaiting surgery, our staff got to know Big Red and fell in love with him.  “Normally, we don’t get to spend a lot of time with the feral cats we serve. But Big Red hung out in our office for some time. He wasn’t very friendly and had the grumpiest-looking cat face ever, but there was something special about him,” Kelsie shared. 

After his surgery, Kris took Big Red home to care for him while he recovered. The plan was to release him as soon as he healed entirely, but Big Red had plans of his own. Instead of running free, he stuck around Kris’s property and stayed inside a workshop on her property to let her know he now preferred living indoors. Curious if she could bond with him, Kris used protective gloves to get him used to touch, and, with time, Big Red eventually let her cuddle him.  

“This took us all by surprise,” said Kelsie. “We never thought in a million years this cat could ever be an indoor cat or would want to be held by anyone. He was very feral, so we thought he’d be much happier living outdoors.” 

Kelsie points out that Big Red’s story is unique, and so she doesn’t want it to encourage people to trap feral cats in hopes of turning them into house pets. “Handling these cats causes great undue stress, and so it’s important to recognize the majority of them do prefer living outside. TNR is our goal for these feral animals, and it’s working well here.”

Feral, stray, and free-roaming cats are the most at-risk animals in U.S. shelters as they are at significant risk of being killed if they enter shelters. As a result, many animal welfare organizations are working together to offer humane solutions for these cats through TNR.  In St. George, these cats are protected by a community of passionate and invested caregivers that feed and look after them. 

“The people here love the feral cat community, and they get upset if anything happens to them just like if they were their indoor pet,” Kelsie explained. “They are providing valuable resources and support not often highlighted, and we are so grateful for all they do to ensure these animals have the best quality of life possible.”

Today, Big Red still looks as grumpy as ever, even after his eyelid surgery. But, he’s got a softer side to him now, and he’s beginning to trust in his human friends, all thanks to our St. George staff and community partners.  And thanks to Kris Neil, Big Red is now living a life of indoor luxury with several other cat friends at his side. 

A Senior Dog’s Pawsome Glow-Up: Jagger’s Story

Jagger was 13-years-old with matted curls and severe dental disease when he came to the Humane Society of Utah in April 2021. Our SOAR team transferred this senior miniature poodle mix from an overcrowded shelter nearby to save his life. Due to a lack of resources and funding, they were unable to provide the medical treatment he needed.

Jagger wasn’t shiny or new, but we saw his value and understood that, without a doubt, this boy deserved all the love and care we could give him. So, we did everything to ensure he’d have the best chance of being adopted, which included removing his decaying teeth and the painful-looking mats in his fur.

He was severely dehydrated and underweight (weighing only 4.3 pounds) and showing signs of nervousness and fear. We decided it was best to put him into our foster program first. This way, he could recover in a calm environment and gain a pound or two before going onto our adoption floor. 

But a week later, Jagger got sick. He was vomiting, had bloody diarrhea, and he wasn’t eating or drinking. He seemed so fragile physically and emotionally that his foster mom worried he wouldn’t pull through. Our Shelter Veterinarian saw him for an emergency exam. He was immediately given medicine and fluids to help him recover.

Thankfully, less than 72 hours later, Jagger appeared to be – for the first time since coming to us – full of life. His foster mom reported that he was suddenly initiating games of fetch and eager to snuggle up to her at night. His usually tired-looking eyes were brighter and more alive.

We’re happy to report that Jagger never made it into our adoption program because, after only a few weeks with his foster mom, she officially made him a member of her family.

About her decision, she said, “What a joy it is to wake up with this sweet boy cuddled up next to me every morning. He follows me everywhere I go, and he can’t get enough of long car rides with the window down so he can look out and feel the wind on his face. Oh, and he loves a pup cup from Starbucks!”

We sure do love a glow-up story, especially when it’s a doggy glow-up story that ends with a senior pup living out his best life.

Little Dog’s Big Journey

Tiny Dog is a playful and scruffy Australian Cattle dog with an easy-going demeanor. She’s very friendly and good with kids, to name a few of the reasons why her guardians love her so much. 

But at just three years old, this sweet girl has already given birth to a handful of litters. Her guardians didn’t want her to get pregnant. However, it isn’t easy to keep this from happening since they live in a rural neighborhood on the Ute Reservation in Northeastern Utah, where access to veterinary care is extremely limited. Here the cost for spaying an animal is not only grossly overpriced, but the nearest vet clinics are either hours away or often booked to capacity for months at a time. 

“Due to the harsh conditions and a lack of animal shelters and control officers, there are hundreds of feral puppies running around the reservation at any given time,” explained Tyson Thompson, Executive Director of the Indian Housing Authority in Fort Duchesne. “

Before long, these free-roaming pups are pregnant and contribute to the animal overpopulation issue, which has troubled the Ute Reservation – the second-largest Native American Reservation in America – for years. The reservation houses nearly 3,000 Ute Tribe members and their pets, plus ten of thousands of homeless dogs and cats.  

Utah Humane first traveled to help the Ute Indian Housing Authority in March 2021. We took in 22 puppies surrendered by tribal members and set up a pet food pantry on a nearby lawn. Since our first visit, we’ve expanded our services to offer free vaccinations on-site and spay and neuter surgeries off-site on a pet retention basis. 

Our pet retention program allows individuals experiencing financial hardship to receive free or donation-based medical care without having to surrender their beloved pets. Tiny Dog is one of the dozens of tribal pets who have received support through this program. She was spayed at our facility in Murray on July 8th and returned to her family the next day.

“Currently, we’re traveling to the reservation every three weeks to host an owner surrender and vaccination event for the local community and to transport pets to our facility to be spayed or neutered,” said our Admissions & Placement Manager, Amber Henry.  “It’s a five-hour drive round trip, but there is so much value in keeping pets in their home with the people who love them; It makes the long drive worth it.” 

Our partnership with the Indian Housing Authority is in the beginning stages. But we’re working hard to collaborate with nearby neighborhoods and housing authorities and local animal control and veterinarians to develop a system of care to significantly decrease the number of free-roaming animals on the reservation and ultimately save and improve the lives of thousands of dogs and cats each year.

Tyson Thompson shared, “On behalf of my superiors and our residents, we thank Utah Humane for coming out here regularly to help us get this situation under control. Your work here has already changed things for the better, both short and long-term, and we cannot thank you enough.”

Tormund Giantsbane’s Hoppy New Beginning

Sara adopted Tormund Giantsbane, a 9-month-old male angora giant rabbit, from our Adoption Resource Center on Mother’s Day. She’d seen his photo on our billboard on I-15 and thought he was beyond cute with his impossibly long and fluffy ears.  

“I grew up on a farm with rabbits and had always been told they belonged outdoors and didn’t make good pets,” explained Sara. “I believed this until I adopted my first rabbit, Jango, years ago and witnessed for myself how incredibly personable and smart she was.”

Jango’s striking personality made Sara want to learn more about rabbits as pets. She was surprised to discover that these small mammals are generally very clean, easily potty trained, and incredibly social and playful.

When Jango passed away in 2018, Sara knew she wanted to adopt another rabbit one day but needed time to grieve. It wasn’t until Sara’s husband – after hearing his wife share all about the adorable rabbit she’d seen on our billboard – gifted her with rabbit supplies for Mother’s Day that she knew it was time.

“I drove to the Humane Society of Utah to adopt him that day, and he’s been a precious addition to our family ever since. He’s the sweetest, most curious bunny I’ve ever met. We have a dog and a new baby, but he pretty much rules the roost. We absolutely adore him!”

Sara says Tormund’s pretty silly, too. He likes to bop her with his head to signal that he wants more attention, and he will regularly dump his food on the floor to find the best bits to eat first.

As his caregiver, she makes sure he has plenty of indoor space to free roam and an outdoor run so he can play in the sunshine. In addition, she regularly grooms his angora wool to keep his coat free from mats and reduce the risk of wool blocks.

Sara shared, “both my rabbits have been very affectionate and helped alleviate my anxiety. These animals are worth learning more about.”