Have the UltiMUTT Summer: Hot Weather Pet Safety

As the temperatures rise, it is important that pets and pet owners alike take precautions to stay safe and healthy in the summer heat. While many animals spend quite a bit of their time outdoors, some extra precautions are necessary this time of year to prevent heatstroke, heat exhaustion, and other hot-weather ailments.

Small white scruffy dogs runs across grass on a bright sunny day with tongue out panting and tail wagging.

The Humane Society of Utah suggests the following hot weather tips to keep your pets panting happily (and not heat-ily) this summer season:

  • Keep pets indoors more often during extreme heat, do not leave them outside all-day
  • Make sure pets have a cool place to retreat to in the yard, such as a shady spot. Keep in mind that some outdoor dog houses can be hotter than the outdoor temps
  • Cool and fresh water should be available to pets at all times, both indoors and outdoors
  • If the asphalt is too hot for your hands and feet, it is too hot for your pets. Place your hand on the sidewalk for 10 seconds to test the temperature
  • Provide pet-safe frozen treats to help your animals cool down
  • Make sure your pet is current on all their vaccinations, especially if they are going to be in close contact with other animals
  • Check pets for ticks, foxtails, and grass seeds following outdoor activity
  • Ensure that your yard is free of plants which are toxic to dogs and cats such as lilies, sago palms, and rhododendrons, and be careful with use of insecticides and weed killers, which may be poisonous to your pets
  • Make use of pet-safe sunscreens and bug repellents
  • Avoid leaving windows open around unattended pets. Even with a screen, there is a risk your pet could fall out or jump through the opening
  • If your pet wants to share your plate at a summer BBQ, know what foods are not pet-safe, such as onions, avocados, olives, garlic, grapes, cooked bones, and alcohol. 
  • Do not leave pets unattended near water– not all pets can swim! Limit the amount of pool water your pets drink, chlorine and other chemicals can be dangerous, and rinse your pets off after taking a swim in chlorinated or salty water. If your pet loves to cool off with a dip, consider investing in a pet lifejacket.
  • If you have a brachycephalic (short-nosed, flat-faced) breed such as a pug, Persian cat, or any type of bulldog, know that their short noses cause them to overheat quicker than other animals. Overweight and older pets are also at higher risk for heat stroke, so keep these furry friends in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.
  • Do not leave pets unattended in vehicles! Doing so is a major risk for heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat-related death. Even if the vehicle is on and air-conditioning is running, leaving pets unsupervised can lead to other emergencies such as the animal accidentally shifting a gear or engine failure.
  • Excessive panting or difficulty breathing
  • Increased heat and respiratory rate
  • Drooling
  • Fatigue
  • Mild weakness, stupor, or collapse
  • Seizures
  • Bloody diarrhea or vomit
  • An elevated body temperature over 104 degrees

Mochi’s Story:  A Family’s Unexpected First Pet

Mochi was just four-months-old when he found himself up for adoption at the Humane Society of Utah’s Kitty City. This high-spirited, black and white striped kitten greeted everyone who passed by with an excited meow, as if to say, “pick me, pick me!” 

Adopting a Kitten

Shu Saito, one of HSU’s long-time corporate sponsors, took notice. Shu was visiting HSU that day to drop off, yet again, another generous donation to our nonprofit. Alongside him were his wife, Amy, and their five-year-old son, Kota. Amy and Kota had always wanted a cat of their own, but Shu had too many reservations. 

“My husband didn’t grow up with pets, so he didn’t know what to expect. He was worried that owning one would be more mess and responsibility than we could handle,” Amy explained. “But I told him on our way to HSU that it would be difficult for me to leave without adopting a kitten. I didn’t think in a million years he would be open to it.”

Amy grew up with cats and enjoyed their company so much; she is a “little obsessed.” She and Kota had tried to talk Shu into adopting one several times, but Shu wouldn’t budge. However, when Shu saw Kota and Mochi visiting that day, he had a change of heart. “Mochi and Kota got along from the start, and Kota was so excited to meet his new friend. It just felt right,” Amy shared.

A Family Falls In Love

The four of them have been a family for several months now, and it’s going better than expected. “There was a learning curve,” Amy explained. “We had to figure out Mochi’s personality and where we were going to put the litter box and how to keep it clean. But our son loves his new kitty so much. They sleep together every night.” 

Shu has fallen in love with Mochi, too, and vice versa. While Shu is lounging on the couch after a long day at work, Mochi will come to lay directly on top of him and fall asleep. “I love seeing the two of them together. It’s precious! Mochi has such a cute personality. He will bring us his little balls so we can play fetch, which I’ve never seen a cat do before.”  

Amy and her family are over the moon with their unexpected adoption. In a short time, Mochi has become an essential part of their family, and they wouldn’t have it any other way, litter box hassle and all.

Oopsie, Don’t Forget Your Poopsie!

Did you know by not picking up after your dog, you’re putting other people and their pets at risk of exposure to harmful bacteria and parasites?

What happens when you don’t herd your turds?

The parasites and bacteria in dog waste can spread disease to humans and other animals, including wildlife. Even if your dog does not show symptoms of being sick, their waste can carry diseases harmful to humans and other pets. E. coli, Salmonella, Giardia, Parvovirus, and parasites like ringworm and tapeworm, to name a few.

Stormwater will carry pet waste and other pollutants directly into our waterways. Animal waste also adds nitrogen to the water. The excess nitrogen depletes the oxygen in the water necessary for beneficial underwater grasses, wildlife, and fish. To protect our watershed and drinking water is why dogs are not allowed in Big or Little Cottonwood Canyon. 

Dog waste is not a natural fertilizer. Since most dogs’ diets are high in protein, it has the reverse effect of fertilizer. Dog waste can take up to 12 months to fully break down.

Leave No Trace

“But I’ll grab it on the way out.” Unfortunately, even with the best intentions, many people don’t.

We are blessed to live in a state with incredible natural beauty and access to unforgettable outdoor adventure minutes from our doorsteps. While many of these areas remain open to dogs, there is no guarantee they’ll stay that way. And, let’s be honest, most people do not appreciate walking along a trail dotted with brightly colored poop bags or stepping in the dreaded pile of dog poo.

We encourage everyone to leave no trace and Be Part of the Solution to the Poo-lution! 

Here are some easy ways to pack out your dog’s poop without worrying about the smell.

After bagging your pup’s poop, use a clean peanut butter jar to seal the smell. Small peanut butter jars will easily fit in most fanny packs, backpacks, or purses. Best of all, they’re free! You can also purchase a smell-proof Bag off amazon for around $10-$15 or get fancy with a Ruffwear Pack it Out Bag.

Finally, one of the most important reasons you should be scooping your dog’s poop is because it’s the law. Many cities and towns have local ordinances requiring you to clean up after your dog. Please help us keep the Wasatch Front and surrounding areas dog-friendly by picking up after your dog. Whether it’s on or off-leash, it’s a privilege to access these areas with our four-legged friends.

Bea’s Story: A Dying Dog’s Happy, Last Days

Senior fospice dog Bea with a white face and jeweled collar sits in living room with plants behind her.

Beatrice, or Bea, for short, was 14-years old when she returned to the Humane Society of Utah’s Pet Resource Center in Murray. Her caregivers had adopted her from us years ago but needed to bring her back because they were moving to a place that didn’t accept bully breeds. Bea also had two large masses on her side, one of which was bleeding. This is usually a sign of cancer, and unfortunately, her family couldn’t afford the vet bills to care for her failing health.

After Bea’s masses were surgically removed and biopsied by our shelter veterinarian, she was diagnosed with cancer and given just 2-4 months to live. During her recovery, she took a turn for the worse and refused to eat, drink or even move. Anjela Sullenger, HSU’s Behavior and Training Manager, didn’t want Bea to spend her last days in the shelter, so she took her home to foster her. 

“She was in so much pain, so I didn’t expect her to live longer than a week,” Anjela explained. “But then she started to settle in at my house, and she fell in love with my younger dog, Archie, who is really affectionate. They would bounce on the couch together and play. It was so cute.”

Fospice Dog On Borrowed Time

Bea slowly began to regain her strength and her appetite. Suddenly, she wanted treats, lots of treats! Knowing that Bea was terminally ill and on borrowed time, Anjela let her have as many goodies as her precious heart desired. She also ensured Bea had access to the coziest of dog beds and blankets. But Bea’s favorite spot to sleep was in Angela’s bed.

“She was very mucousy, and I didn’t want her slobber on my nice comforter, but she insisted on being under the covers right next to me.” So Angela let her stay, and they cuddled together all night long.

During the day, Bea would follow Anjela wherever she went, including the bathroom. There, she’d park herself on the bathmat to watch Anjela get ready for the day. “My favorite memory of Bea is of her waiting at the door with my other dogs for me to get home. When she saw me coming, she’d tap her feet, spin around and then kiss me on the face. It was wonderful seeing her so happy and having such a wonderful time despite her illness.”

Saying Good-Bye

After a little over a month together, Anjela discovered a new tumor attached to Bea’s abdominal wall, and within one week, it had tripled in size. At this time, Bea’s cognitive abilities began to decline. With her quality of life quickly deteriorating, Anjela knew it was time to say goodbye. On Bea’s last day of life, Anjela spoiled her with her favorite canned dog food and her very own sushi donut. “She LOVED it and was so excited to have the whole thing to herself.”  

When it was time for Bea to be euthanized, Angela held her in her arms as an HSU staff member administered the medication. Our humane euthanasia is a rapid and painless procedure, so Bea passed away peacefully and within less than 20 seconds. “It was hard to see her go, of course, but I absolutely did not want her to suffer anymore just because I enjoyed having her around. As her caretaker, it was my responsibility to help her avoid any pain or fear, and helping her to peacefully transition was an important way for me to show love for her.”

Fostering Compassion

At HSU, we’re always looking for fosters who can provide less traditional care for animals in need, like Bea. Terminally ill pets typically require more maintenance than we can provide at the shelter, and since their quality of life can improve while in a home, fospice care is really important for these dying pets. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find people to support them. The main reason for this is the belief that the time commitment will be too much. However, these animals are so sick that they mostly require medication, cuddles, and sleep. In fact, terminally ill animals are often easier to care for than our younger foster pets. To make the process easier on individuals willing to foster, HSU provides for their medication, food, treats, toys, blankets, and vet care. 

Angela shared, “We hope more individuals and families will consider opening up their hearts and homes to these pets so they can live out their last days knowing how loved they are. Bea is a perfect example of this. She was so happy and full of life during her last month with me, and she had a warm, safe place to call home. Her last days were not scary or confusing for her, and this is what makes the experience worthwhile.”

What’s in a name? Pet Resource Center

Pet resource center in murray
Front entrance view to the Pet Resource Center at the Humane Society of Utah.

You may have (or may not) have noticed that we no longer refer to ourselves as an “animal shelter” in our recent communications and are now calling ourselves a “Pet Resource Center.” In this three-part blog series, we’ll explain why.

In the last few years, the “Pet Resource Center” model has become widely adopted by animal welfare leaders across the country to improve upon the traditional animal sheltering approach. The term resource center comes from human welfare services and describes the way they provide a safety net beyond sheltering to those experiencing homelessness or in danger of becoming homeless. This radical new shift allows for organizations like ours to focus additional efforts on supporting pet guardians in various ways, so we can, in turn, help the companion animals in our communities. 

By adopting this model at the Humane Society of Utah, we can increase our capacity to care and support struggling pet guardians to help “keep pets and people together,” as our mission states. For example, we understand that the previous two years have been challenging for many. Our community members have been affected by housing insecurities, cost of living increases, supply chain, and veterinary shortages. These challenges have made owning a beloved companion animal more difficult. In response, we’ve worked hard to support guardians affected by the pandemic through the various programs we offer at our Pet Resource Center:

Community Clinic

By providing affordable spay/neuter and vaccines services through our two Preventative Care Clinics located in St. George and Murray, our organization was able to help over 144,000 community-owned pets stay healthy in 2021. Our clinics stayed open year-round to provide 12,643 spay/neuter surgeries to help prevent the pet overpopulation problem and administered 143,904 vaccines to help stop the spread of deadly viruses.

Pet Retention Program

Our Pet Retention program aims to keep pets and owners together, when possible, by providing resources to help owners who are experiencing difficulty but wish to keep their companion animals. By supporting our community members this way, we’re also helping keep pets out of the sheltering system. In 2021, our Pet Retention program served 487 medical cases for community-owned pets. In addition, we sponsored the first free vaccination and microchip clinic in Tooele County, providing 171 cats and dogs with free preventative care.

Community Partnerships

Our Pet Resource Center also connects community members with resources to help them keep their beloved pets through partnerships with organizations like Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering. We are currently working with organizations such as The Road Home and the YWCA to provide resources, such as vaccines and general pet care supplies. Developing partnerships is one of the key ways we ensure both people and their pets get what they need and stay together.

Join us for the second part of this blog series next month as we discuss the importance of education. And the educational resources our Pet Resource Center provides through our Behavior and Humane Education departments.

Utah’s 2022 Legislative Session Recap: Companion Animal Bills

HB 476 Protest rally at Utah State Capitol
HB 476 protest rally at Utah State Capitol.

Utah’s 2022 legislative session ended on March 5, 2022 and what a busy session it was! Our advocacy team spent every day of the session at the capitol, educating our legislators on the importance of protecting animals and making sure our furry friends’ voices were heard. 

We had a very big win this year, securing protections for pets, and additional protections for humans, in domestic violence situations. We had a second big win in defeating a bill that would have opened the floodgates to puppy mills in Utah. 

While we had a couple of (big!) wins, other animal bills did not fare quite as well. Read on for a breakdown of companion animal-related bills and their outcomes from the 2022 session.

Our Bills

H.B. 175 – Protection of Animals Amendments PASSED!

Run in partnership with our friends at Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering, H.B. 175 was sponsored by Rep. Angela Romero (District 26) and sponsored on the floor by Sen. David Hinkins (District 27). 

After passing both houses of the legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support, this bill was signed into law by Gov. Spencer Cox in late March of 2022. 

HSU and Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering staff stand with Representative Angela Romero
HSU and Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering staff stand with Representative Angela Romero in the Utah State Capitol building.

The new law allows courts to include household animals in protection-from-abuse orders (including domestic violence, dating violence, cohabitant abuse, and child abuse protective orders) and expands the “emotional distress” resulting from harm to an animal in domestic violence cases to also include cases of stalking.

H.B. 92 – Transportation of Dogs ActFailed

Sponsored by Rep. Ashlee Matthews (District 37), this bill would have required dogs transported on Utah’s freeways in open back trucks (including flatbeds) to be cross-tethered or in a secured crate. 

Despite the commonsense nature of this bill, it received strong opposition from two members of the House of Representatives at its committee hearing. One member made a point to state that there was nothing wrong with the bill itself and that we had considered the interests of all stakeholders, but that he would never vote for such a bill. 

With the failure of this bill, we head into another summer of dogs clinging to hold on in the back of trucks on the freeway, burning paws on the hot metal, and breathing in significant amounts of debris while distracted drivers look on in horror. 

A scared dog rides on the back of a flatbed truck traveling at high speeds on a busy Utah Highway.

If you want to see dogs protected during transport on our freeways, call your representative and senator to demand it.

Bills We Strongly Opposed

H.B. 476 – Local Agriculture AmendmentsFAILED!

Backed by pro-puppy mill lobbyists, H.B. 476 would have erased local regulations of animal-related businesses and prevented future protections for animals on the local level. In simple terms: this bill, if passed, would have opened Utah to completely unregulated puppy mills and the stores that sell animals from puppy and kitten mills. 

HSU and other animal advocates rally on the steps of the Utah State Capitol building to protest H.B. 476.

However, we, along with half a dozen other animal welfare organizations and thousands of amazing supporters like you, defeated this bill! Your calls and emails to your representatives and senators helped our legislature realize that this was a bad bill with horrible consequences for the beloved animals of Utah. This bill thankfully died before a vote in the senate. Unfortunately, the same concept will undoubtedly be re-introduced in the next session. We will be there to fight it every step of the way.

Other Companion Animal Legislation

Several other bills were filed with the legislature this year to bring additional protections to companion animals in our state. Some made it all the way to the end of the session but were not voted on before the clock struck midnight on the night of March 5. Others never made it out of committee. Here is a quick rundown of those bills:

SB69 – Animal Shelter RevisionsFailed

This bill would have eliminated gas chamber euthanasia in Utah shelters. 

SB165 – Animal Cruelty Modifications Failed

This bill would have expanded Utah’s animal cruelty code to better define proper care for an animal, including a more substantial definition of what constitutes “shelter.”

HB112 – Animal Fighting PenaltiesFailed

This bill would have expanded the definition of “animal” in Utah’s anti-dog fighting statute to include all animals. 

HB306 – Cosmetic Sale AmendmentsFailed

This bill would have banned the sale in Utah of cosmetics tested on animals. 

While perhaps not the strongest year for companion animal protection, the number of animal protection bills introduced in the 2022 legislative session did prove one thing: Utahns care about companion animals and want to see them treated well. And we agree! We will keep fighting on the local, state, and federal level to secure protections for pets and the human-animal bond. We hope you will join us.  
Watch our social media accounts and sign up for advocacy alerts to stay informed and get active!

Worth the Wait: Leo’s Story

Leo's story: black and tan bully breed missing fur stands in living room looking out patio door.

Our staff was heartbroken by the sight of Leo’s condition when he first arrived at the Humane Society of Utah in early 2022. Leo, a four-year-old bully breed mix, was severely malnourished and suffering from what appeared to be extreme allergies, which had led to hair loss and skin infections all over his body and in his ears. As a result of these infections, Leo’s body was covered in swollen red sores, pustules, and scabs. After our medical team assessed him, their number one priority became to help Leo gain weight and clear up his painful skin and ear infections as best they could.

Concerns of refeeding Syndrome

Unfortunately, due to Leo’s severe malnutrition, our medical team had concerns of refeeding syndrome, a severe and potentially fatal condition caused by sudden shifts in blood electrolyte levels. Since food deprivation changes the way one’s body metabolizes nutrients, there can be an abrupt electrolyte change when fat metabolism switches to carbohydrate metabolism in malnourished patients. To prevent this, HSU had to re-introduce food slowly. As a result, Leo’s healing process was prolonged and his energy low, but he made progress. 

Due to his severe medical issues, Leo was placed in our foster care program for a longer-than-average stay. His foster guardian and HSU’s Behavior and Training Manager, Anjela Sullenger, said, “He’s settling in with me and tolerating his new regime of taking medicated baths for his skin very well. He has become very affectionate with me and wants me  to sit and cuddle with him all day, which is very sweet.”

Leo's story: a severely malnourished black and tan dog stands looking out patio door. The dog is missing much fur and all ribs can be seen.

Leo’s true personality shines through

Anjela brings him to work with her every day to support Leo’s mental and emotional health. At our Pet Resource Center in Murray, Leo follows Anjela everywhere while hanging out at her office. If Anjela has to step out for a minute, Leo patiently waits by her office door for her to return. While at home together, their favorite thing to do is to sit and cuddle on the couch and catch up on Anjela’s favorite TV shows.

Anjela shared, “Leo gets along very well with my two dogs, although he is not interested in playing at the moment and not really up for much exercise. But I have high hopes that he will become more playful as he starts to feel better.”. 

HSU’s Resource Center Veterinarian, Dr. Meredith Bleuer, has been part of the team to help Leo recover. She adds,  “malnutrition is not only detrimental to metabolic function, but can also lead to many secondary problems such as skin abnormalities, delayed wound healing and major organ dysfunction.  It is important to ensure pets receive proper nutrients with a nutritionally balanced diet.”  

Worth the Wait

Over the next two months, Leo would require further visits with specialists to help get to the root of his skin issues. While visiting with the dermatologist veterinarians at Blue Pearl, it became apparent that Leo was suffering from an autoimmune skin disease. Luckily, he could make a full recovery with proper medication. While in Anjela’s care, Leo steadily began to gain weight, and his splotchy, scab-filled coat was eventually replaced with soft, velvety fur. 

Although Leo’s road to recovery has been long and challenging, our dedicated team, who never gave up, is happy to report that he was adopted on March 26th! He now spends his days cuddling with his new family and doggy friend on the couch. Leo is an excellent reminder that while most transformations don’t happen overnight, they are worth the wait when they finally do – and it’s important never to give up hope.  

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Kennedy

HSU volunteer Kennedy reads a book to an adoptable cat.

Kennedy is a sweet-spirited eight-year-old who’s been volunteering for the Humane Society of Utah’s Pet Resource Center in Murray since January 2022. She comes to our center weekly to help out where she can: reading books to our homeless cats or socializing with the bunnies, ferrets, and rats in our Humane Education Program. Usually, when Kennedy arrives for her shift, she’s wearing a pair of leggings decorated with cat faces or sparkly animal ears on the top of her head, or both. This month is National Volunteer Month—a month dedicated to recognizing the importance of volunteers like Kennedy and honoring their significant contributions by generously donating their time and talents to worthy causes.

For as long as she can remember, Kennedy has had a deep love and appreciation for animals, especially cats. Reading to our cats through our kid-oriented Happy Tales Reading Program is her favorite thing to do. “I like reading the book, ‘Are You My Mother’ by Dr. Seuss the most because it’s really cute. The cats seem to like it, too. When I read to them, they’ll lay beside me and get comfortable, or sometimes they’ll fall asleep!” She explains with a laugh. 

Kennedy’s Dream

Kennedy’s dream is to learn how to care for all types of pets and support as many as she can in her lifetime. She says she’s volunteering at HSU in hopes of working for us when she’s older. Since Kennedy is only eight years old, her mom, Brittany, accompanies her during her volunteer shifts. Brittany is happy to support her daughter’s dreams and desires to give back. “Most kids her age aren’t that into volunteering. But I think it’s beneficial for them to learn the value of volunteering early on so they can see the importance of being a part of a greater good,” Brittany explains.

April is National Volunteer Month

At HSU, we depend on our volunteers for many critical tasks, such as providing direct animal and staff support, assisting in fundraising efforts and events, and so much more. Our volunteer opportunities allow individuals and families to work side-by-side with our staff as we work to save the lives of more than 7,000 homeless pets each year. In 2021, we had 496 volunteers donate a total of 11,740 hours, which saved our organization an estimated $152,620 in costs. 

HSU’s Foster and Volunteer Manager, Jolie Gordon, states, “To say we can’t do what we do without our volunteers is an understatement. We are so grateful.” Jolie adds that recruiting young volunteers helps them foster a lifelong commitment to helping their community. “As young people grow older and into more power to act on that commitment, imagine the change they’ll be able to create. Not to mention, young volunteers often bring a fresh perspective, passion, and energy to our organization. They tend to be more open to new ideas, meaning they can help drive positive change and create new opportunities for improvement.”

To learn more about HSU’s volunteer program and opportunities, click here.

A Love Story From Texas to California

Six-year-old Jaeger’s story began in El Paso, Texas. While we don’t have many details of his early life, we know that he was a frequent flyer at the local animal shelter and found himself there numerous times. After spending an unknown amount of time in El Paso, Jaeger was transferred to the Humane Society of Utah in June of 2021 for a second chance at life.

Filled with energy and enthusiasm, Jaeger arrived at HSU ready to find his perfect match. Our staff quickly picked up on his quirks and started making a plan as to what type of adopter would suit him best. We found that he had lots of energy and needed an adopter who could help him stay stimulated mentally and physically. He also wasn’t house trained and would need a refresher on doggy etiquette, so finding a patient adopter was vital.

During his stay

Jaeger worked closely with our behavior team and was learning more every day. We knew finding the right fit for him might take some time, but seeing him with a loving family would be well worth it.

From June to September of 2021, Jaeger was adopted and returned three times. There were various reasons for Jaeger not being a fit for each of these families. However, it also gave us more information about who would be a good fit for him.

Jaeger continued to work with our staff and volunteers on a daily basis who took detailed notes of his personality and behavior. He became a staff favorite and was loved by every person in the building! Everyone was rooting for Jaeger to find the best home possible and was prepared to do whatever it took to get him adopted.

Fast forward to the end of September

It began as a typical day but little did we know, it would end up being an unforgettable one for Jaeger. A woman walked into our Adoptions Center and talked with our staff about the type of dog she was looking for. After introducing her to several dogs and learning more about their personalities, she laid her eyes on Jaeger. With his vibrant red coat and puppy dog eyes, she couldn’t resist taking him out to the play yard to see if they’d be a good match.

A short time later, she brought Jaeger back inside and insisted that he was the one for her! Filled with excitement, our staff gave her a rundown of Jaeger’s history, enjoyments, and struggles, emphasizing the importance of him finding the right fit. The potential adopter was sure she could help Jaeger become the good boy he was destined to be and started filling out the paperwork.

Only a week after taking Jaeger home, we received this message:

“Thank you so much to you amazing humans. It has been a little over a week since I adopted Jaeger, renamed River. He is exactly what I was hoping for and more. He’s definitely a cuddle bug but loves his walks, especially with our next door neighbor’s dog who is his new best friend. I love him so much and as much as I wish he wasn’t adopted and returned three times before me, I’m glad they brought him back so I could give him an amazing home and all the love I have.”

Worth the wait

We were elated to see that Jaeger (renamed River) had finally found his perfect match. We kept in touch with his adopter throughout the following months and learned that they had moved to California together. She expressed how she was so glad to have River by her side through the move and that he behaved perfectly through it all. “River has been with me every step of the way,” she said. “He was a champ and enjoyed the car ride more than I did! So far, he loves going for walks more than ever because it’s warm and there’s still light later in the day. We have yet to go to a beach out here but I’m positive he’s going to love it!”

Stories like this show that even if a dog has tried out multiple homes and bounced around from shelter to shelter, it doesn’t mean that they won’t find the right fit. Jaeger (renamed River) would never have met his current family if he didn’t wind up at the shelter in El Paso, been transferred to us, and returned three times before meeting her. Some dogs may take a little extra effort when finding a home, but in our minds, we think it’s worth it!

Do bunnies make great pets? You bet!

white and grey bunny banner

Bunnies are the third most common animal at the Humane Society of Utah after cats and dogs. Still, many people aren’t aware of what great pets they make!

Did you know that rabbits can be litter box trained, just like a cat? Once litter trained, they can freely roam around the house and become involved in daily activities. These curious creatures love to explore and relax. When bunnies bond with their owners, they often enjoy cuddling or lying next to you.

Just like dogs and cats, bunnies have individual personalities – they’ll often follow you around, get excited around mealtime, and ask for attention. They can also learn tricks! For example, how to come when called, walk on hind legs, do spins, or even participate in bunny agility.

They’re also self groomers, which means they keep themselves clean. While rabbits may be small, quiet, and relatively tidy house pets, they require the same attention, care, and love that our other companion animals do. Rabbits can live up to eight to ten years, so they are a big commitment. They also enjoy the companionship of another rabbit friend, as they are very social animals.

Bunnies need ample room to hop around and do best living indoors. Therefore, they require a contained space or bunny-proof room where they can stretch out and run around for at least 4 hours a day. Since they are prey animals having a space to hide out is key. Bunnies also enjoy enrichment, toys, and require wood chews to keep their teeth healthy.

Are you ready to add a bunny to your home? If so, visit UtahHumane.org/adopt to view our adoptable bunnies online. When you adopt a bunny from HSU, they come spayed/neutered and microchipped.