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Belle’s Story: A Healing Journey

Belle the dog laying on a couch

A dedicated foster with the Humane Society of Utah (kept anonymous for this story) was on her way to pick up a mama dog and her litter of puppies. She had fostered many animals before, including young litters, and she was up to the task. But at the 11th hour, she received a call from the HSU Foster Team. An adult dog named Belle was in bad shape and desperately needed a foster home to recover. We asked our caring foster if she could take Belle instead. She did not hesitate to step in and help this poor dog on her healing journey. At the time, she did not realize how Belle would profoundly impact her life. 

A Dog in Need

Belle came to HSU after an accident left her with a terrible leg injury. In her previous home, she lived as an outdoor dog and got her leg caught in a backyard fence. By the time she was discovered, too much damage was done, and the leg would never heal properly. Amputating the leg was Belle’s only hope for living a pain-free and active life. We took Belle in and immediately prepped her for amputation surgery. 

Belle’s road to recovery would be long and difficult, as her foster guardian soon found out. Her amputation site needed time to heal, but that was not her only problem. Upon further examination, HSU medical staff found foxtails embedded in her skin, causing painful sores. While Belle recovered, her foster guardian had to keep a careful eye on her various injuries. “We gave her daily medications and antibiotics, cleaned her wounds, gave her a comfortable place to rest, and lots of love.” 

Belle the dog in a cone

A Journey to Healing

With time, patience, and proper care, Belle’s physical wounds began to heal. But she still struggled to adjust to her new life and surroundings. Her foster guardian discovered that she suffered from phantom pains associated with her missing limb and adjusting to life on three legs would not happen overnight. But her foster was ready to put in the work. Daily massage and sensory therapy helped to manage the phantom pains. Other minor adjustments also made a world of difference – “We made simple changes around the house to help Belle get around easier and more comfortable. We put slip-proof rugs and yoga mats on all the wood floors and got her a special harness.” Before long, the sweet and loveable tripawd navigated her new world like a pro! 

A New Beginning

Through Belle’s healing journey, her foster family started to see how well she fit into their lives. As she became more confident and comfortable, they saw her personality come through. She was sweet, intelligent, and loveable. She even bonded with their dog, Clementine. Before long, Belle’s foster guardian knew the goofy, loveable dog was not going anywhere; she was home. She decided to adopt Belle permanently. She recalls losing one of her dogs four years ago, “we didn’t think we would ever be able to recover from the loss we felt…until we met Belle. We knew that she was meant to be with us and there was no way we could ever let her go”. 

These days, Belle is living a great life on three legs with her new family. Her foster-turned-adopter explains that she loves everyone and always wants to be around people. “We call her our little ‘BellHop’, because she is eager to please and ‘hoppy’ to escort you from room to room. The only form of payment she will accept is kind words and a pat on the back.” She loves her doggy sister, Clementine, and she loves to be a couch potato. She is unsure what to do with toys yet, but she is figuring it out! And mostly, she just wants love and cuddles. As her new forever family member describes, “We have 2 dogs again and our family feels complete now that Belle is part of it.”

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