When Ashley visited Kitty City back in October of 2020, she had never had a cat before and described her expectations for what she might find as being low. She had some doubts about how affectionate and full of personality felines could be. But never did she imagine that she would find Phoebe— a 5-year-old kitty with the most enchanting blue eyes and sweetest demeanor.

Ashley decided to take a chance on Phoebe and brought her home. When they arrived, Ashley’s partner told her to “take a good look at [Phoebe] because she was going to be her best friend for the next 10-15 years.” Ashley said she wasn’t so sure he was right at the time, but she never should have doubted him.
Now Ashley can’t imagine her life without Phoebe. After about a month of living together, Phoebe began to open up and show off her personality and quirks, and the pair became absolutely inseparable. Phoebe now spends her days greeting Ashley the minute she gets home and cuddling on her lap while she reads. She also loves playing fetch, watching cat TV, and pondering on art pieces (and the wall), Ashley says.

At the end of the day, this is what Ashley has to say about Phoebe: “I couldn’t have made a better match if I tried. I love her more than words can describe, and couldn’t be happier that the humane society made it possible for us to find each other.”