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An Important Service: Bristol’s Story

Veterinarians in surgery

There is nothing more heartbreaking than watching your pet suffer, especially when you are not sure how to get the help they need. Bristol was a sweet senior dog who needed urgent dental care. She had a bad infection in her teeth which would become fatal if left untreated. Affordable dental care for pets is extremely hard to find, and pet guardians often have limited options. Luckily, the Humane Society of Utah St. George Clinic can provide a low-cost option in some emergency cases, thanks to the generous support of our community. We believe in keeping pets and families together whenever we can. Sometimes, an affordable veterinary service can make all the difference.

Finding Veterinary Service

The first thing our staff noticed about Bristol when she arrived at the St. George clinic was her sweet nature. She was friendly and excited to meet everyone at the clinic. However, under her sweet and goofy personality, Bristol was suffering. Many senior dogs experience dental issues. But Bristol’s case was so severe, she was no longer eating. Her guardian, N. Joy Witte, was extremely concerned and determined to help her beloved pet. 

Joy tried desperately to find the help she needed for her dog, but dental procedures are very expensive. That is when she turned to the St. George clinic. When we saw the severity of Bristol’s condition, we knew we had to do something. We offered to complete the procedure at a price Joy could afford. Then we got to work! Staff remember that Bristol was very sweet and good natured, even as she went through her exam and treatment.

Bristol the small tan dog

Bristol’s Beginning

Bristol’s story began long before she ever came to the St. George clinic. She was found as a stray pup ten years ago in Kentucky, emaciated and covered in fleas. A couple of kind strangers took her in, cared for her, and gave her a good home. However, after moving to Utah, they found they could not keep her any longer. That is when she found a new home with Joy. In her new home Bristol quickly became a part of the family. She fit right in with her human family members, as well as her two rescue dog siblings. Joy remembers when her husband was in hospice and Bristol formed a special connection with him. She would sit on his bed, giving love and cuddles until the day he passed. In the days since his passing, Bristol has been a source of love and companionship for the rest of the family. As Joy describes, “Bristol and I are best friends.”

Stories like this are a reminder of why affordable veterinary care is important for our community. Pets are so much more than animals who share a space with us. They are our family members and a source of comfort in our toughest times. There is no better feeling than sending an animal home to their family, happy and healthy! Joy explains, “they not only took care of Bristol, but also me. We will be forever grateful!”

Bristol the dog and her two dog siblings at home

Support for Affordable Veterinary Services

Bristol’s story might have had a very different ending without the support of our community. Thanks to our caring donors we can offer low-cost emergency care for pets like Bristol. Our affordable community services are made possible thanks to individual donor support, as well as generous funding partners. HSU is incredibly grateful to the Grey Muzzle Organization for providing grant funds to make dentals for senior dogs affordable to clients who need them most. If you want to help more pets in our community get the help they need, you can make a donation to the Humane Society of Utah. Today, we are thrilled to report that Bristol is back to her happy and healthy self, enjoying life with her beloved family. We think this is a perfect ending for a sweet and deserving pup like Bristol!

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