Squash’s story begins in October 2024. 5-month-old Squash and his two siblings were found running down a desolate, remote highway in rural Southern Utah nicknamed “The Loneliest Road.” They were scared of their wits, and much too thin.
Though none of the dogs had visible injuries, Squash was not able to bear weight on his left hind leg. The small rural shelter where Squash and his siblings arrived did not have the resources to investigate Squash’s injury, so he was transferred to the Humane Society of Utah.

A Diagnosis is Made
Shortly after arriving at HSU, one of our licensed veterinarians diagnosed Squash with a fractured femur head. Squash would need costly orthopedic surgery and physical therapy, and HSU was determined to get him the care he needed.
Squash received a consult with an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon determined that he would need to undergo an FHO surgery. This surgery involved removing the top of Squash’s femur, which then created an artificial joint at the hip to alleviate the pain from his injury. Following a successful surgery, the next step was for Squash to go to physical therapy at Utah Pet Rehab to regain proper use of his leg.
While Squash was making his way through his treatment plan, he spent time in a foster home. Squash’s foster was absolutely enamored with him. She described him as a happy guy who loved nothing more than to lay his head in her lap while receiving pets.
However, Squash wasn’t out of the woods just yet.

A Long Road Ahead
Squash’s physical therapy sessions revealed that, although his hip was doing well, other joints in his leg were showing signs of instability.
For Squash, this would have meant TPLO surgery. This would be an especially difficult recovery as he had already done an FHO. Squash was also likely to have further issues with his leg down the line. For these reasons, licensed veterinarians at the Humane Society of Utah decided the most humane and best option for Squash would be amputation.
With support from his loving foster family, Squash’s story continued as he underwent an amputation of his injured leg in mid-February. His foster said she and Squash would be doing some “heavy relaxing” following his procedure. This turned out to be just what Squash needed!
Squash’s recovery went beautifully. He would be able to get his staples out near the end of February. Afterwards, Squash could finally go on to find a family!

From “Squash’s Story” to “Squish’s Story”
Squash was officially cleared for adoption on February 26th, but he didn’t have to wait long to find a home! Squash’s foster had to go out of town for a couple of weeks during his recovery, and during that time her parents took over fostering Squash for HSU. They fell in love with him, and decided to make him a permanent member of the family!
These days, Squash goes by “Squish” and spends his time playing with his new brother, Steve, cuddling with his hoomans, and enjoying long walks. Squish doesn’t know it yet, but his family has plans this summer to visit their house on Lake Michigan. He’s going to have such a great time swimming and adventuring with Steve!
We’re so happy to see Squish now living his best life! We are so thankful to everyone who made this happy ending possible. We want to give special thanks to Squish’s foster, the team at Utah Pet Rehab, and to Squish’s orthopedic surgeon.
But most importantly, we want to thank YOU! Squish’s story would not have been possible without your generous contributions. Thanks to you, Squish is able to get around, pain-free!

Your donations were integral to Squish’s story having a happy ending. Help more pets like Squish today by donating to the Humane Society of Utah.